Commit c9f8682a by Muddasser

Merge pull request #11832 from edx/muddasser/lettuce/cms/course_export

Covered in bokchoy at studio/ 
parents ba4e9ee3 079742d6
......@@ -2,14 +2,6 @@
Feature: Course export
I want to export my course to a tar.gz file to share with others or check into source control
Scenario: User is directed to unit with bad XML when export fails
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add a "Blank Advanced Problem" "Advanced Problem" component
And I edit and enter bad XML
And I export the course
Then I get an error dialog
And I can click to go to the unit with the error
# Disabling due to failure on master. 05/21/2014 TODO: fix
# Scenario: User is directed to problem with & in it when export fails
# Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
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