Commit c9f17428 by sanfordstudent Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14511 from edx/sstudent/TNL-6351

moving tabindex
parents fc8e7fe2 0a5ec531
......@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ ${HTML(fragment.foot_html())}
<div class="course-wrapper">
<section class="course-content" id="course-content">
<main id="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Content">
% if course.show_calculator or is_edxnotes_enabled(course):
......@@ -151,39 +151,39 @@ ${HTML(fragment.foot_html())}
% endif
<section class="course-content" id="course-content">
<div class="path"></div>
<main id="main" aria-label="Content" tabindex="-1">
% if getattr(course, 'entrance_exam_enabled') and \
getattr(course, 'entrance_exam_minimum_score_pct') and \
entrance_exam_current_score is not UNDEFINED:
% if not entrance_exam_passed:
<p class="sequential-status-message">
${_('To access course materials, you must score {required_score}% or higher on this \
exam. Your current score is {current_score}%.').format(
required_score=int(round(course.entrance_exam_minimum_score_pct * 100)),
current_score=int(round(entrance_exam_current_score * 100))
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, xhr, settings) {
if (settings.url.indexOf("xmodule_handler/problem_check") > -1) {
var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (data.entrance_exam_passed){
<main id="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Content">
<div class="path"></div>
% if getattr(course, 'entrance_exam_enabled') and \
getattr(course, 'entrance_exam_minimum_score_pct') and \
entrance_exam_current_score is not UNDEFINED:
% if not entrance_exam_passed:
<p class="sequential-status-message">
${_('To access course materials, you must score {required_score}% or higher on this \
exam. Your current score is {current_score}%.').format(
required_score=int(round(course.entrance_exam_minimum_score_pct * 100)),
current_score=int(round(entrance_exam_current_score * 100))
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, xhr, settings) {
if (settings.url.indexOf("xmodule_handler/problem_check") > -1) {
var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (data.entrance_exam_passed){
% else:
<p class="sequential-status-message">
${_('Your score is {current_score}%. You have passed the entrance exam.').format(
current_score=int(round(entrance_exam_current_score * 100))
% else:
<p class="sequential-status-message">
${_('Your score is {current_score}%. You have passed the entrance exam.').format(
current_score=int(round(entrance_exam_current_score * 100))
% endif
% endif
% endif
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