Commit c9ef2f3e by Alexander Kryklia

Request IFRAME API every time with https scheme.

parent 753c67a7
......@@ -74,16 +74,3 @@ class StubYouTubeServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
# ensure that server config dict is empty after successful reset
self.assertEqual(self.server.config, {})
def test_iframe_response_is_up_to_date(self):
Check if IFRAME_API_RESPONSE is up-to-date.
This should prevent issues with IFRAME_API_RESPONSE hard-coding,
when hard-coded version is different from actual.
......@@ -20,20 +20,11 @@ from .http import StubHttpRequestHandler, StubHttpService
import json
import time
import requests
import textwrap
from urlparse import urlparse
from collections import OrderedDict
IFRAME_API_RESPONSE = textwrap.dedent(
"if (!window['YT']) {var YT = {loading: 0,loaded: 0};}if (!window['YTConfig']) {var YTConfig"
" = {'host': ''};}if (!YT.loading) {YT.loading = 1;(function(){var l ="
" [];YT.ready = function(f) {if (YT.loaded) {f();} else {l.push(f);}};window.onYTReady ="
" function() {YT.loaded = 1;for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {try {l[i]();} catch (e) "
"{}}};YT.setConfig = function(c) {for (var k in c) {if (c.hasOwnProperty(k)) {YTConfig[k]"
" = c[k];}}};var a = document.createElement('script'); = 'www-widgetapi-script';a.src"
" = 'https:' + '//';a.async"
" = true;var b = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);})();}")
IFRAME_API_RESPONSE = requests.get('').content.strip("\n")
class StubYouTubeHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler):
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