Commit c9e51b99 by lduarte1991

Annotation Tools: Adding Loading Bar to Annotations Table

- added label below loading gif

 - fixed spacing issues

  - change the error messages in annotator code
parent b19e534c
......@@ -2506,21 +2506,21 @@ Annotator.Plugin.Store = (function(_super) {
Store.prototype._onError = function(xhr) {
var action, message;
action = xhr._action;
message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not ") + action + Annotator._t(" this annotation");
message = Annotator._t("Sorry, our server seems to be down. We could not ") + action + Annotator._t(" this annotation");
if (xhr._action === 'search') {
message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not search the store for annotations");
message = Annotator._t("Sorry, the Annotations service is down. Contact your instructor and try again later.");
} else if (xhr._action === 'read' && !xhr._id) {
message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not ") + action + Annotator._t(" the annotations from the store");
message = Annotator._t("Sorry, our server seems to be down. We could not ") + action + Annotator._t(" the annotation(s).");
switch (xhr.status) {
case 401:
message = Annotator._t("Sorry you are not allowed to ") + action + Annotator._t(" this annotation");
message = Annotator._t("Sorry, you are not allowed to ") + action + Annotator._t(" this annotation");
case 404:
message = Annotator._t("Sorry we could not connect to the annotations store");
message = Annotator._t("Sorry, we could not connect to the annotations database.");
case 500:
message = Annotator._t("Sorry something went wrong with the annotation store");
message = Annotator._t("Sorry, our server is down. Contact your instructor and try again later.");
Annotator.showNotification(message, Annotator.Notification.ERROR);
return console.error(Annotator._t("API request failed:") + (" '" + xhr.status + "'"));
......@@ -530,4 +530,9 @@
#mainCatch .replies .replyItem .deleteReply{
text-decoration: underline;
cursor: pointer;
\ No newline at end of file
#mainCatch div.annotations-loading-gif{
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