Commit c9dbd2c3 by Calen Pennington

Add an empty implementation of XBlockUserStateClient backed by StudentModule

parent 57d5fa28
An implementation of :class:`XBlockUserStateClient`, which stores XBlock Scope.user_state
data in a Django ORM model.
from xblock_user_state.interface import DjangoXBlockUserStateClient
class DjangoXBlockUserStateClient(DjangoXBlockUserStateClient):
An interface that uses the Django ORM StudentModule as a backend.
class ServiceUnavailable(XBlockUserStateClient.ServiceUnavailable):
This error is raised if the service backing this client is currently unavailable.
class PermissionDenied(XBlockUserStateClient.PermissionDenied):
This error is raised if the caller is not allowed to access the requested data.
class DoesNotExist(XBlockUserStateClient.DoesNotExist):
This error is raised if the caller has requested data that does not exist.
def get(username, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state):
return self.get_many(username, [block_key], scope)
def set(username, block_key, state, scope=Scope.user_state):
self.set_many(username, {block_key: state}, scope)
def get_many(username, block_keys, scope=Scope.user_state):
"""Returns dict of block_id -> state."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_many(username, block_keys_to_state, scope=Scope.user_state):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_history(username, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state):
"""We don't guarantee that history for many blocks will be fast."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def iter_all_for_block(block_key, scope=Scope.user_state, batch_size=None):
You get no ordering guarantees. Fetching will happen in batch_size
increments. If you're using this method, you should be running in an
async task.
raise NotImplementedError()
def iter_all_for_course(course_key, block_type=None, scope=Scope.user_state, batch_size=None):
You get no ordering guarantees. Fetching will happen in batch_size
increments. If you're using this method, you should be running in an
async task.
raise NotImplementedError()
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from xblock.fields import Scope, ScopeBase
new_contract('UsageKey', UsageKey)
class XBlockUserStateClient(object):
First stab at an interface for accessing XBlock User State. This will have
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