Commit c9c328cf by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia


parent d3045b36
......@@ -237,16 +237,20 @@ define('State', ['logme'], function (logme) {
allParameterValues[parameters[paramName].helperArrayIndex] = paramValueNum;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < dynamicEl.length; c1++) {
if (dynamicEl[c1].el === null) {
dynamicEl[c1].func.apply(window, allParameterValues);
if (
((updateOnEvent !== undefined) && (dynamicEl[c1].updateOnEvent === updateOnEvent)) ||
(updateOnEvent === undefined)
) {
dynamicEl[c1].el.html(dynamicEl[c1].func.apply(window, allParameterValues));
// If we have a DOM element, call the function "paste" the answer into the DIV.
if (dynamicEl[c1].el !== null) {
dynamicEl[c1].el.html(dynamicEl[c1].func.apply(window, allParameterValues));
// If we DO NOT have an element, simply call the function. The function can then
// manipulate all the DOM elements it wants, without the fear of them being overwritten
// by us afterwards.
else {
dynamicEl[c1].func.apply(window, allParameterValues);
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