Commit c96f1e7f by Alison Hodges

Merge pull request #4704 from edx/ahodges/documenation/DOC813

Added enrollment breakdown by certificate track
parents 1747d65c 31139178
......@@ -3,6 +3,20 @@ Change Log
August, 2014
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Date
- Change
* - 08/5/14
- Updated the :ref:`view_enrollment_count` section to include the
breakdown by certification track in the enrollment section.
July, 2014
......@@ -124,14 +124,19 @@ enrolled in it. When you view an enrollment count, note that:
students and course team staff. It is not a historical count of everyone who
has ever enrolled in the course.
The total number of current enrollees is shown as the sum of the number of
people who selected each of the certification tracks (verified, audit, or
honor) that are available for your course.
To view the enrollment count for a course:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor**, then click **Course Info** if necessary.
The **Enrollment Information** section of the page that opens shows the total
number of people who are currently enrolled.
The **Enrollment Information** section of the page that opens shows the
number of people who are currently enrolled in your course and in each of the
certification tracks.
You can also view or download a list of the people who are enrolled in the
course. See :ref:`Student Data`.
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