Commit c955fd0b by Usman Khalid

When sending bulk email check if course is authorized.

Also the idash_mode property is stored seperately for each course.

parent 48e472a0
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class TestOptoutCourseEmails(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Select the Email view of the instructor dash
session = self.client.session
session['idash_mode'] = 'Email'
session[u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(self.course.location.course_id)] = 'Email'
response = self.client.get(url)
selected_email_link = '<a href="#" onclick="goto(\'Email\')" class="selectedmode">Email</a>'
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class TestEmailSendFromDashboard(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Select the Email view of the instructor dash
session = self.client.session
session['idash_mode'] = 'Email'
session[u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(self.course.location.course_id)] = 'Email'
response = self.client.get(self.url)
selected_email_link = '<a href="#" onclick="goto(\'Email\')" class="selectedmode">Email</a>'
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TestInstructorDashboardEmailView(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Select the Email view of the instructor dash
session = self.client.session
session['idash_mode'] = 'Email'
session[u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(self.course.location.course_id)] = 'Email'
response = self.client.get(self.url)
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ from .tools import (
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
......@@ -1036,6 +1037,10 @@ def send_email(request, course_id):
- 'subject' specifies email's subject
- 'message' specifies email's content
if not bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_id):
return HttpResponseForbidden("Email is not enabled for this course.")
send_to = request.POST.get("send_to")
subject = request.POST.get("subject")
message = request.POST.get("message")
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from student.models import CourseEnrollment
from bulk_email.models import CourseAuthorization
from class_dashboard.dashboard_data import get_section_display_name, get_array_section_has_problem
from .tools import get_units_with_due_date, title_or_url
from .tools import get_units_with_due_date, title_or_url, bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def instructor_dashboard_2(request, course_id):
sections.insert(3, _section_extensions(course))
# Gate access to course email by feature flag & by course-specific authorization
if settings.FEATURES['ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_EMAIL'] and is_studio_course and CourseAuthorization.instructor_email_enabled(course_id):
if bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_id):
sections.append(_section_send_email(course_id, access, course))
# Gate access to Metrics tab by featue flag and staff authorization
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ from django_comment_common.models import (
from django_comment_client.utils import has_forum_access
from instructor.offline_gradecalc import student_grades, offline_grades_available
from import strip_if_string
from import strip_if_string, bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course
from instructor_task.api import (
......@@ -110,10 +110,11 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
# the instructor dashboard page is modal: grades, psychometrics, admin
# keep that state in request.session (defaults to grades mode)
idash_mode = request.POST.get('idash_mode', '')
idash_mode_key = u'idash_mode:{0}'.format(course_id)
if idash_mode:
request.session['idash_mode'] = idash_mode
request.session[idash_mode_key] = idash_mode
idash_mode = request.session.get('idash_mode', 'Grades')
idash_mode = request.session.get(idash_mode_key, 'Grades')
enrollment_number = CourseEnrollment.num_enrolled_in(course_id)
......@@ -760,33 +761,36 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
email_subject = request.POST.get("subject")
html_message = request.POST.get("message")
# Create the CourseEmail object. This is saved immediately, so that
# any transaction that has been pending up to this point will also be
# committed.
email = CourseEmail.create(course_id, request.user, email_to_option, email_subject, html_message)
if bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_id):
# Create the CourseEmail object. This is saved immediately, so that
# any transaction that has been pending up to this point will also be
# committed.
email = CourseEmail.create(course_id, request.user, email_to_option, email_subject, html_message)
# Submit the task, so that the correct InstructorTask object gets created (for monitoring purposes)
submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_id, # pylint: disable=E1101
# Submit the task, so that the correct InstructorTask object gets created (for monitoring purposes)
submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_id, # pylint: disable=E1101
except Exception as err:
# Catch any errors and deliver a message to the user
error_msg = "Failed to send email! ({0})".format(err)
msg += "<font color='red'>" + error_msg + "</font>"
except Exception as err:
# Catch any errors and deliver a message to the user
error_msg = "Failed to send email! ({0})".format(err)
msg += "<font color='red'>" + error_msg + "</font>"
# If sending the task succeeds, deliver a success message to the user.
if email_to_option == "all":
text = _(
"Your email was successfully queued for sending. "
"Please note that for large classes, it may take up to an hour "
"(or more, if other courses are simultaneously sending email) "
"to send all emails."
text = _('Your email was successfully queued for sending.')
email_msg = '<div class="msg msg-confirm"><p class="copy">{text}</p></div>'.format(text=text)
# If sending the task succeeds, deliver a success message to the user.
if email_to_option == "all":
text = _(
"Your email was successfully queued for sending. "
"Please note that for large classes, it may take up to an hour "
"(or more, if other courses are simultaneously sending email) "
"to send all emails."
text = _('Your email was successfully queued for sending.')
email_msg = '<div class="msg msg-confirm"><p class="copy">{text}</p></div>'.format(text=text)
msg += "<font color='red'>Email is not enabled for this course.</font>"
elif "Show Background Email Task History" in action:
message, datatable = get_background_task_table(course_id, task_type='bulk_course_email')
......@@ -895,8 +899,7 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
# 1. Feature flag is on
# 2. We have explicitly enabled email for the given course via django-admin
# 3. It is NOT an XML course
CourseAuthorization.instructor_email_enabled(course_id) and is_studio_course:
if bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_id):
show_email_tab = True
# display course stats only if there is no other table to display:
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Tools for the instructor dashboard
import dateutil
import json
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest
from django.utils.timezone import utc
......@@ -11,6 +12,10 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from courseware.models import StudentModule
from xmodule.fields import Date
from xmodule.modulestore import XML_MODULESTORE_TYPE
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from bulk_email.models import CourseAuthorization
......@@ -45,6 +50,24 @@ def handle_dashboard_error(view):
return wrapper
def bulk_email_is_enabled_for_course(course_id):
Staff can only send bulk email for a course if all the following conditions are true:
1. Bulk email feature flag is on.
2. It is a studio course.
3. Bulk email is enabled for the course.
bulk_email_enabled_globally = (settings.FEATURES['ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_EMAIL'] == True)
is_studio_course = (modulestore().get_modulestore_type(course_id) != XML_MODULESTORE_TYPE)
bulk_email_enabled_for_course = CourseAuthorization.instructor_email_enabled(course_id)
if bulk_email_enabled_globally and is_studio_course and bulk_email_enabled_for_course:
return True
return False
def strip_if_string(value):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return value.strip()
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