Commit c950d437 by kimth

Add comments on CodeResponse.get_score

parent 881cafb8
......@@ -867,11 +867,13 @@ class CodeResponse(LoncapaResponse):
# Generate body
# NOTE: Currently specialized to 6.00x's pyxserver, which follows the ExternalResponse interface
# We should define a common interface for external code graders to CodeResponse
contents = {'xml': etree.tostring(self.xml, pretty_print=True),
'edX_cmd': 'get_score',
'edX_tests': self.tests,
'processor': self.code,
'edX_student_response': unicode(submission)}
'edX_student_response': unicode(submission), # unicode on File object returns its filename
# Submit request
if hasattr(submission, 'read'): # Test for whether submission is a file
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