Commit c9285de4 by Don Mitchell

unicode correctly and understandably

parent ca0dd839
......@@ -204,16 +204,14 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
Return a string representing this location.
result = u""
parts = []
if self.package_id:
result += unicode(self.package_id)
if self.branch:
result += '/' + BRANCH_PREFIX + self.branch
parts.append(u"{prefix}{branch}".format(prefix=BRANCH_PREFIX, branch=self.branch))
if self.version_guid:
if self.package_id:
result += u"/"
result += u"{prefix}{guid}".format(prefix=VERSION_PREFIX, guid=self.version_guid)
return result
parts.append(u"{prefix}{guid}".format(prefix=VERSION_PREFIX, guid=self.version_guid))
return u"/".join(parts)
def url(self):
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