Commit c820ca48 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #1200 from edx/will/efficient-diff-quality

Use pre-generated reports for pep8/pylint when running diff-quality
parents 3f7fbfa5 cb511ee4
......@@ -48,13 +48,20 @@ dquality_dir = File.join(REPORT_DIR, "diff_quality")
directory dquality_dir
desc "Build the html diff quality reports, and print the reports to the console."
task :quality => dquality_dir do
task :quality => [dquality_dir, :install_python_prereqs] do
# Generage diff-quality html report for pep8, and print to console
sh("diff-quality --violations=pep8 --html-report #{dquality_dir}/diff_quality_pep8.html")
sh("diff-quality --violations=pep8")
# If pep8 reports exist, use those
# Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pep8 itself
pep8_reports = FileList[File.join(REPORT_DIR, '**/')].join(' ')
sh("diff-quality --violations=pep8 --html-report #{dquality_dir}/diff_quality_pep8.html #{pep8_reports}")
sh("diff-quality --violations=pep8 #{pep8_reports}")
# Generage diff-quality html report for pylint, and print to console
# If pylint reports exist, use those
# Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pylint itself
pylint_reports = FileList[File.join(REPORT_DIR, '**/')].join(' ')
pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:lms:lms/djangoapps:lms/lib:cms:cms/djangoapps:cms/lib:common:common/djangoapps:common/lib"
sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint --html-report #{dquality_dir}/diff_quality_pylint.html")
sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint")
\ No newline at end of file
sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint --html-report #{dquality_dir}/diff_quality_pylint.html #{pylint_reports}")
sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint #{pylint_reports}")
......@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
# Our libraries:
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
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