Commit c79843c5 by Sarina Canelake

Add factorial as a default function for formula response

parent 72dfd499
......@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ default_functions = {'sin': numpy.sin,
'arccos': numpy.arccos,
'arcsin': numpy.arcsin,
'arctan': numpy.arctan,
'abs': numpy.abs
'abs': numpy.abs,
'fact': math.factorial,
'factorial': math.factorial
default_variables = {'j': numpy.complex(0, 1),
'e': numpy.e,
......@@ -246,4 +248,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print evaluator({}, {}, "5+1*j")
print evaluator({}, {}, "j||1")
print evaluator({}, {}, "e^(j*pi)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "5+7 QWSEKO")
print evaluator({}, {}, "fact(5)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "factorial(5)")
print evaluator({}, {}, "5+7 QWSEKO")
except UndefinedVariable:
print "Successfully caught undefined variable"
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