Commit c669daa9 by Ned Batchelder

Merge pull request #12211 from edx/ned/update-translations

Update translations (autogenerated message)
parents 2291e213 2248bc6c
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@
"Account Settings page.": "Param\u00e8tres du compte",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Activate Your Account": "Activez votre compte",
"Activating an item in this group will spool the video to the corresponding time point. To skip transcript, go to previous item.": "L'activation d'un \u00e9l\u00e9ment de ce groupe jouera la vid\u00e9o \u00e0 partir de ce point. Pour passer la transcription, allez \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent.",
"Active Uploads": "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargement Actifs",
"Add Cohort": "Ajouter une cohorte",
"Add Component:": "Ajouter un composant :",
......@@ -649,14 +648,12 @@
"Only <%= fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file ending in <%= fileExtensions %> to upload.": "Seuls les fichiers de type <%= fileTypes %> peuvent \u00eatre envoy\u00e9s. Merci de s\u00e9lectionner un fichier se terminant par <%= fileExtensions %> pour l'envoyer.",
"Only properly formatted .csv files will be accepted.": "Seuls les fichiers au format .csv seront accept\u00e9s.",
"Open Calculator": "Afficher la calculatrice",
"Open language menu": "Ouvrir le menu des langues",
"Open/download this file": "Ouvrir/T\u00e9l\u00e9charger ce fichier",
"OpenAssessment Save Error": "Erreur de la sauvegarde d'OpenAssessment",
"Order No.": "Commande N\u00b0",
"Organization": "Organisation",
"Other": "Autre",
"Page break": "Saut de page",
"Page number": "Num\u00e9ro de page",
"Paragraph": "Paragraphe",
"Password": "Mot de passe",
"Password Reset Email Sent": "L'email de r\u00e9initialisation du mot de passe a \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9",
......@@ -890,7 +887,6 @@
"Text": "Texte",
"Text color": "Couleur du texte",
"Text to display": "Texte \u00e0 afficher",
"Thank you! We have received your payment for %(courseName)s.": "Merci ! Nous avons re\u00e7u votre paiement pour %(courseName)s.",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre une adresse e-mail. Voulez-vous ajouter le prefix requis mailto: ?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre un lien externe. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe http:// requis ?",
"The cohort cannot be added": "La cohorte ne peut pas \u00eatre ajout\u00e9e",
......@@ -958,7 +954,6 @@
"This browser cannot play .mp4, .ogg, or .webm files.": "Ce navigateur ne peut pas lire les fichiers .mp4, .ogg, ou .webm",
"This component has validation issues.": "Ce composant a des probl\u00e8mes de validation.",
"This edX learner is currently sharing a limited profile.": "Cette utilisateur partage actuellement un profil restreint.",
"This learner will be removed from the team, allowing another learner to take the available spot.": "Cet apprenant sera supprim\u00e9 de l'\u00e9quipe, permettant \u00e0 un nouvel apprenant de prendre la place vacante.",
"This link will open in a modal window": "Ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fen\u00eatre contextuelle",
"This link will open in a new browser window/tab": "Ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fen\u00eatre ou onglet de votre navigateur",
......@@ -1096,7 +1091,6 @@
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to everyone who is staff or instructor on this course. Is this OK?": "Vous \u00eates sur le point d'envoyer un e-mail intitul\u00e9 '<%= subject %>' \u00e0 tous les membres du staff et enseignants. Voulez-vous continuer ?",
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to yourself. Is this OK?": "Vous \u00eates sur le point d'envoyer un e-mail intitul\u00e9 '<%= subject %>' \u00e0 vous-m\u00eame. Voulez-vous continuer ?",
"You are currently sharing a limited profile.": "Vous partagez actuellement votre profil restreint.",
"You are enrolling in: %(courseName)s": "Vous vous inscrivez \u00e0 : %(courseName)s",
"You are not currently a member of any team.": "Actuellement, vous n'\u00eates membre d'aucune \u00e9quipe.",
"You are now enrolled as a verified student for:": "Vous vous \u00eates maintenant engag\u00e9 en tant qu'\u00e9tudiant v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 pour :",
"You can now enter your payment information and complete your enrollment.": "Vous pouvez maintenant entrer vos informations de paiement et terminer votre inscription.",
......@@ -1151,7 +1145,6 @@
"Your request could not be completed. Reload the page and try again.": "Votre demande n'a pas pu \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e. Rafra\u00eechissez la page et r\u00e9essayez.",
"Your upload of '{file}' failed.": "Le chargement de '{file}' a \u00e9chou\u00e9.",
"Your upload of '{file}' succeeded.": "Chargement de '{file}' r\u00e9ussi.",
"Your verification status is good until %(verificationGoodUntil)s.": "Votre v\u00e9rification est valable jusqu'au %(verificationGoodUntil)s.",
"Zoom In": "Zoomer",
"Zoom Out": "D\u00e9zoomer ",
"[no tags]": "[aucun tag]",
......@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
"About me": "\uc790\uae30\uc18c\uac1c",
"Account Settings": "\uacc4\uc815 \uc124\uc815",
"Account Settings page.": "\uacc4\uc815 \uc124\uc815 \ud398\uc774\uc9c0",
"Activating an item in this group will spool the video to the corresponding time point. To skip transcript, go to previous item.": "\uc774 \uadf8\ub8f9\uc758 \ud56d\ubaa9 \ud65c\uc131\ud654\uac00 \uc77c\uce58\ud558\ub294 \uc2dc\uac04 \uc9c0\uc810\uc5d0 \ub3d9\uc601\uc0c1\uc744 \uc2a4\ud480\ud560 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc790\ub9c9\uc744 \ub118\uae30\ub824\uba74, \uc774\uc804 \ud56d\ubaa9\uc73c\ub85c \uac00\uc138\uc694. ",
"Add Cohort": "\ud559\uc2b5\uc9d1\ub2e8 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30",
"Add Country": "\uad6d\uac00 \ucd94\uac00",
"Add Students": "\ud559\uc2b5\uc790 \ucd94\uac00",
......@@ -521,8 +521,6 @@
"Numbered list": "\u7f16\u53f7\u5217\u8868",
"OK": "\u662f\u7684",
"Ok": "\u786e\u5b9a",
"Once in position, use the camera button %(icon)s to capture your ID": "\u4e00\u65e6\u4f60\u5c06\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6\u6446\u653e\u59a5\u5f53\uff0c\u8bf7\u7528\u76f8\u673a\u6309\u94ae%(icon)s\u6765\u62cd\u7167",
"Once in position, use the camera button %(icon)s to capture your photo": "\u4e00\u4f46\u4f60\u5df2\u7ecf\u5c31\u4f4d\uff0c\u8bf7\u7528\u76f8\u673a\u6309\u94ae%(icon)s\u6765\u62cd\u7167",
"Only <%= fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file ending in <%= fileExtensions %> to upload.": "\u53ea\u6709 <%= fileTypes %> \u683c\u5f0f\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u53ef\u4ee5\u4e0a\u4f20\u3002\u8bf7\u9009\u62e9\u4e00\u4e2a\u4ee5 <%= fileExtensions %> \u7ed3\u5c3e\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u4e0a\u4f20\u3002",
"Only properly formatted .csv files will be accepted.": "\u53ea\u6709\u6807\u51c6\u7684CSV\u683c\u5f0f\u6587\u4ef6\u4f1a\u88ab\u63a5\u53d7\u3002",
"Open Calculator": "\u6253\u5f00\u8ba1\u7b97\u5668",
......@@ -717,8 +715,6 @@
"Text color": "\u6587\u672c\u989c\u8272",
"Text to display": "\u8981\u663e\u793a\u7684\u6587\u5b57",
"Thank you for submitting your photos. We will review them shortly. You can now sign up for any %(platformName)s course that offers verified certificates. Verification is good for one year. After one year, you must submit photos for verification again.": "\u611f\u8c22\u4f60\u63d0\u4ea4\u7167\u7247\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5c06\u4e8e\u7a0d\u540e\u8fdb\u884c\u5ba1\u6838\u3002\u4f60\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u6ce8\u518c%(platformName)s\u4e0a\u4efb\u610f\u63d0\u4f9b\u8ba4\u8bc1\u8bc1\u4e66\u7684\u8bfe\u7a0b\u3002\u8ba4\u8bc1\u53ea\u5728\u4e00\u5e74\u5185\u6709\u6548\uff0c\u4e00\u5e74\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u5fc5\u987b\u8981\u63d0\u4ea4\u7167\u7247\u91cd\u65b0\u8ba4\u8bc1\u3002",
"Thank you! We have received your payment for %(courseName)s.": "\u8c22\u8c22\uff01\u6211\u4eec\u5df2\u7ecf\u6536\u5230\u4f60\u5bf9%(courseName)s\u7684\u4ed8\u6b3e\u3002",
"Thanks for returning to verify your ID in: %(courseName)s": "\u611f\u8c22\u4f60\u56de\u6765\u4e3a%(courseName)s\u9a8c\u8bc1\u4f60\u7684\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "\u8f93\u5165\u7684URL\u4f3c\u4e4e\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u7535\u5b50\u90ae\u4ef6\u5730\u5740\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u52a0\u4e0a\u201cmailto:\u201d\u524d\u7f00\u5417\uff1f",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?": "\u8f93\u5165\u7684 URL \u4f3c\u4e4e\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5916\u90e8\u94fe\u63a5\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u52a0\u4e0a\u201chttp://\u201d\u524d\u7f00\u5417\uff1f",
"The cohort cannot be added": "\u8be5\u7fa4\u7ec4\u4e0d\u80fd\u6dfb\u52a0",
......@@ -877,9 +873,7 @@
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to ALL (everyone who is enrolled in this course as student, staff, or instructor). Is this OK?": "\u60a8\u5373\u5c06\u5411\u9009\u4fee\u8be5\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7684\u6240\u6709\u4eba(\u9009\u8bfe\u7684\u5b66\u751f\u3001\u6559\u5458\u548c\u4e3b\u8bb2\u6559\u5e08)\u53d1\u9001\u4e00\u5c01\u6807\u9898\u4e3a\u201c<%= subject %>\u201d\u7684\u90ae\u4ef6\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u5417\uff1f",
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to everyone who is staff or instructor on this course. Is this OK?": "\u60a8\u51c6\u5907\u5411\u8be5\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7684\u6240\u6709\u6559\u5458\u548c\u4e3b\u8bb2\u6559\u5e08\u53d1\u9001\u4e00\u5c01\u6807\u9898\u4e3a\u201c<%= subject %>\u201d\u7684\u90ae\u4ef6\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u5417\uff1f",
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to yourself. Is this OK?": "\u4f60\u51c6\u5907\u5411\u81ea\u5df1\u53d1\u9001\u4e00\u5c01\u6807\u9898\u4e3a\u201c<%= subject %>\u201d\u7684\u90ae\u4ef6\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u5417\uff1f",
"You are enrolling in: %(courseName)s": "\u4f60\u5373\u5c06\u9009\u4fee\uff1a%(courseName)s",
"You are now enrolled as a verified student for:": "\u4f60\u73b0\u5728\u6b63\u4ee5\u5df2\u8ba4\u8bc1\u5b66\u751f\u7684\u8eab\u4efd\u9009\u4fee\uff1a",
"You are upgrading your enrollment for: %(courseName)s": "\u4f60\u6b63\u5728\u4e3a%(courseName)s\u5347\u7ea7\u4f60\u7684\u9009\u8bfe\u7c7b\u578b",
"You can now enter your payment information and complete your enrollment.": "\u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u8f93\u5165\u652f\u4ed8\u4fe1\u606f\u5e76\u5b8c\u6210\u9009\u8bfe\u3002",
"You can pay now even if you don't have the following items available, but you will need to have these by %(date)s to qualify to earn a Verified Certificate.": "\u5373\u4f7f\u4f60\u6ca1\u6709\u6ee1\u8db3\u4e0b\u9762\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\uff0c\u4f60\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u4ed8\u6b3e\uff1b\u4f46\u662f\u4f60\u53ea\u6709\u5728%(date)s\u4e4b\u524d\u6ee1\u8db3\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\u624d\u6709\u8d44\u683c\u83b7\u5f97\u4e00\u4efd\u5df2\u8ba4\u8bc1\u7684\u8bc1\u4e66\u3002",
"You can pay now even if you don't have the following items available, but you will need to have these to qualify to earn a Verified Certificate.": "\u5373\u4f7f\u4f60\u6ca1\u6709\u6ee1\u8db3\u4e0b\u9762\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\uff0c\u4f60\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u4ed8\u6b3e\uff1b\u4f46\u662f\u4f60\u53ea\u6709\u6ee1\u8db3\u4e86\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\u624d\u6709\u8d44\u683c\u83b7\u5f97\u4e00\u4efd\u5df2\u8ba4\u8bc1\u7684\u8bc1\u4e66\u3002",
......@@ -923,7 +917,6 @@
"Your post will be discarded.": "\u60a8\u7684\u5e16\u5b50\u5c06\u88ab\u64a4\u9500\u3002",
"Your upload of '{file}' failed.": "\u4f60\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u201c{file}\u201d\u4e0a\u4f20\u5931\u8d25\u3002",
"Your upload of '{file}' succeeded.": "\u4f60\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u201c{file}\u201d\u4e0a\u4f20\u6210\u529f\u3002",
"Your verification status is good until %(verificationGoodUntil)s.": "\u5728%(verificationGoodUntil)s\u4e4b\u524d\u60a8\u7684\u9a8c\u8bc1\u72b6\u6001\u90fd\u6709\u6548\u3002",
"a day": "\u4e00\u5929",
"about %d hour": [
"\u5927\u7ea6 %d \u5c0f\u65f6"
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1a\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-14 20:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 20:37:16.796179\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-21 10:27+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-21 10:27:36.618229\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: openedx-translation <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -10784,7 +10784,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: lms/templates/login.html lms/templates/provider_login.html
#: lms/templates/register-form.html lms/templates/signup_modal.html
#: lms/templates/sysadmin_dashboard.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pässwörd Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
......@@ -11451,11 +11450,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ìnçörréçt förmät för fïéld '{name}'. {detailed_message} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя "
"ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυ#"
#: cms/lib/xblock/
msgid "Difficulty"
msgstr "Dïffïçültý Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσ#"
#: cms/lib/xblock/
#: cms/lib/xblock/tagging/
msgid "Dictionary with the available tags"
msgstr ""
"Dïçtïönärý wïth thé äväïläßlé tägs Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєт#"
......@@ -11533,32 +11528,10 @@ msgstr "Çöürsés Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм #"
msgid "Programs"
msgstr "Prögräms Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂#"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/widgets/header.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Sïgn Ìn Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм #"
#: cms/templates/login.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr "Sïgn Ìn tö {studio_name} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: cms/templates/login.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Don't have a {studio_name} Account? Sign up!"
msgstr ""
"Dön't hävé ä {studio_name} Àççöünt? Sïgn üp! Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
#: cms/templates/login.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Required Information to Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr ""
"Réqüïréd Ìnförmätïön tö Sïgn Ìn tö {studio_name} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя#"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/register.html
#: lms/templates/help_modal.html lms/templates/login.html
#: lms/templates/provider_login.html lms/templates/register-form.html
#: lms/templates/register-shib.html lms/templates/signup_modal.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "E-mail"
......@@ -11570,14 +11543,13 @@ msgstr "É-mäïl Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυ#"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/manage_users.html
#: cms/templates/manage_users_lib.html cms/templates/register.html
#: lms/templates/login.html lms/templates/register-form.html
#: lms/templates/register-shib.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
#: lms/templates/register-shib.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "example:"
msgstr "éxämplé: üsérnämé@dömäïn.çöm Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢#"
#: cms/templates/login.html lms/templates/login.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr "Förgöt pässwörd? Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αм#"
......@@ -11815,14 +11787,15 @@ msgid "My Courses"
msgstr "Mý Çöürsés Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσ#"
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html themes/
msgid "Looks like you haven't enrolled in any courses yet."
msgid "You are not enrolled in any courses yet."
msgstr ""
"Lööks lïké ýöü hävén't énrölléd ïn äný çöürsés ýét. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя α#"
"Ýöü äré nöt énrölléd ïn äný çöürsés ýét. Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html themes/
msgid "Find courses now!"
msgstr "Fïnd çöürsés nöw! Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмє#"
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html lms/templates/navigation.html
#: themes/
msgid "Explore courses"
msgstr "Éxplöré çöürsés Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт α#"
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html themes/
msgid "Course-loading errors"
......@@ -12486,8 +12459,7 @@ msgstr "{platform_name} Hömé Pägé Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕι#"
msgid "How it Works"
msgstr "Höw ït Wörks Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
#: lms/templates/navigation-edx.html lms/templates/navigation.html
#: themes/
#: lms/templates/navigation-edx.html themes/
#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/header.html
msgid "Find Courses"
msgstr "Fïnd Çöürsés Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕ#"
......@@ -23106,6 +23078,26 @@ msgid "Learn more about content libraries"
msgstr ""
"Léärn möré äßöüt çöntént lïßrärïés Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєт#"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/widgets/header.html
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Sïgn Ìn Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм #"
#: cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr "Sïgn Ìn tö {studio_name} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт#"
#: cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Don't have a {studio_name} Account? Sign up!"
msgstr ""
"Dön't hävé ä {studio_name} Àççöünt? Sïgn üp! Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, "
#: cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Required Information to Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr ""
"Réqüïréd Ìnförmätïön tö Sïgn Ìn tö {studio_name} Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт "
"αмєт, ¢σηѕє¢тєтυя#"
#: cms/templates/manage_users.html
msgid "Course Team Settings"
msgstr "Çöürsé Téäm Séttïngs Ⱡ'σяєм ιρѕυм ∂σłσя ѕιт αмєт, #"
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1a\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-14 20:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 20:37:16.796179\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-21 10:27+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-21 10:27:36.618229\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: openedx-translation <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -9312,7 +9312,6 @@ msgstr "فاث ثوشهم شييقثسس غخع عسثي فخ قثلهسفثق
#: lms/templates/login.html lms/templates/provider_login.html
#: lms/templates/register-form.html lms/templates/signup_modal.html
#: lms/templates/sysadmin_dashboard.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Password"
msgstr "حشسسصخقي"
......@@ -9908,11 +9907,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Incorrect format for field '{name}'. {detailed_message}"
msgstr "هرذخققثذف بخقوشف بخق بهثمي '{name}'. {detailed_message}"
#: cms/lib/xblock/
msgid "Difficulty"
msgstr "يهببهذعمفغ"
#: cms/lib/xblock/
#: cms/lib/xblock/tagging/
msgid "Dictionary with the available tags"
msgstr "يهذفهخرشقغ صهفا فاث شدشهمشزمث فشلس"
......@@ -9989,28 +9984,10 @@ msgstr "ذخعقسثس"
msgid "Programs"
msgstr "حقخلقشوس"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/widgets/header.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "سهلر هر"
#: cms/templates/login.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr "سهلر هر فخ {studio_name}"
#: cms/templates/login.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Don't have a {studio_name} Account? Sign up!"
msgstr "يخر'ف اشدث ش {studio_name} شذذخعرف? سهلر عح!"
#: cms/templates/login.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Required Information to Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr "قثضعهقثي هربخقوشفهخر فخ سهلر هر فخ {studio_name}"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/register.html
#: lms/templates/help_modal.html lms/templates/login.html
#: lms/templates/provider_login.html lms/templates/register-form.html
#: lms/templates/register-shib.html lms/templates/signup_modal.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "E-mail"
......@@ -10022,14 +9999,13 @@ msgstr "ث-وشهم"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/manage_users.html
#: cms/templates/manage_users_lib.html cms/templates/register.html
#: lms/templates/login.html lms/templates/register-form.html
#: lms/templates/register-shib.html themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
#: lms/templates/register-shib.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "example:"
msgstr "ثطشوحمث: عسثقرشوث@يخوشهر.ذخو"
#: cms/templates/login.html lms/templates/login.html
#: themes/red-theme/cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr "بخقلخف حشسسصخقي?"
......@@ -10253,12 +10229,13 @@ msgid "My Courses"
msgstr "وغ ذخعقسثس"
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html themes/
msgid "Looks like you haven't enrolled in any courses yet."
msgstr "مخخنس مهنث غخع اشدثر'ف ثرقخممثي هر شرغ ذخعقسثس غثف."
msgid "You are not enrolled in any courses yet."
msgstr "غخع شقث رخف ثرقخممثي هر شرغ ذخعقسثس غثف."
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html themes/
msgid "Find courses now!"
msgstr "بهري ذخعقسثس رخص!"
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html lms/templates/navigation.html
#: themes/
msgid "Explore courses"
msgstr "ثطحمخقث ذخعقسثس"
#: lms/templates/dashboard.html themes/
msgid "Course-loading errors"
......@@ -10839,8 +10816,7 @@ msgstr "{platform_name} اخوث حشلث"
msgid "How it Works"
msgstr "اخص هف صخقنس"
#: lms/templates/navigation-edx.html lms/templates/navigation.html
#: themes/
#: lms/templates/navigation-edx.html themes/
#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/header.html
msgid "Find Courses"
msgstr "بهري ذخعقسثس"
......@@ -20041,6 +20017,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Learn more about content libraries"
msgstr "مثشقر وخقث شزخعف ذخرفثرف مهزقشقهثس"
#: cms/templates/login.html cms/templates/widgets/header.html
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "سهلر هر"
#: cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr "سهلر هر فخ {studio_name}"
#: cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Don't have a {studio_name} Account? Sign up!"
msgstr "يخر'ف اشدث ش {studio_name} شذذخعرف? سهلر عح!"
#: cms/templates/login.html
msgid "Required Information to Sign In to {studio_name}"
msgstr "قثضعهقثي هربخقوشفهخر فخ سهلر هر فخ {studio_name}"
#: cms/templates/manage_users.html
msgid "Course Team Settings"
msgstr "ذخعقسث فثشو سثففهرلس"
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@
"Account Settings page.": "Param\u00e8tres du compte",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Activate Your Account": "Activez votre compte",
"Activating an item in this group will spool the video to the corresponding time point. To skip transcript, go to previous item.": "L'activation d'un \u00e9l\u00e9ment de ce groupe jouera la vid\u00e9o \u00e0 partir de ce point. Pour passer la transcription, allez \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent.",
"Active Uploads": "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargement Actifs",
"Add Cohort": "Ajouter une cohorte",
"Add Component:": "Ajouter un composant :",
......@@ -649,14 +648,12 @@
"Only <%= fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file ending in <%= fileExtensions %> to upload.": "Seuls les fichiers de type <%= fileTypes %> peuvent \u00eatre envoy\u00e9s. Merci de s\u00e9lectionner un fichier se terminant par <%= fileExtensions %> pour l'envoyer.",
"Only properly formatted .csv files will be accepted.": "Seuls les fichiers au format .csv seront accept\u00e9s.",
"Open Calculator": "Afficher la calculatrice",
"Open language menu": "Ouvrir le menu des langues",
"Open/download this file": "Ouvrir/T\u00e9l\u00e9charger ce fichier",
"OpenAssessment Save Error": "Erreur de la sauvegarde d'OpenAssessment",
"Order No.": "Commande N\u00b0",
"Organization": "Organisation",
"Other": "Autre",
"Page break": "Saut de page",
"Page number": "Num\u00e9ro de page",
"Paragraph": "Paragraphe",
"Password": "Mot de passe",
"Password Reset Email Sent": "L'email de r\u00e9initialisation du mot de passe a \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9",
......@@ -890,7 +887,6 @@
"Text": "Texte",
"Text color": "Couleur du texte",
"Text to display": "Texte \u00e0 afficher",
"Thank you! We have received your payment for %(courseName)s.": "Merci ! Nous avons re\u00e7u votre paiement pour %(courseName)s.",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre une adresse e-mail. Voulez-vous ajouter le prefix requis mailto: ?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre un lien externe. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe http:// requis ?",
"The cohort cannot be added": "La cohorte ne peut pas \u00eatre ajout\u00e9e",
......@@ -958,7 +954,6 @@
"This browser cannot play .mp4, .ogg, or .webm files.": "Ce navigateur ne peut pas lire les fichiers .mp4, .ogg, ou .webm",
"This component has validation issues.": "Ce composant a des probl\u00e8mes de validation.",
"This edX learner is currently sharing a limited profile.": "Cette utilisateur partage actuellement un profil restreint.",
"This learner will be removed from the team, allowing another learner to take the available spot.": "Cet apprenant sera supprim\u00e9 de l'\u00e9quipe, permettant \u00e0 un nouvel apprenant de prendre la place vacante.",
"This link will open in a modal window": "Ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fen\u00eatre contextuelle",
"This link will open in a new browser window/tab": "Ce lien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fen\u00eatre ou onglet de votre navigateur",
......@@ -1096,7 +1091,6 @@
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to everyone who is staff or instructor on this course. Is this OK?": "Vous \u00eates sur le point d'envoyer un e-mail intitul\u00e9 '<%= subject %>' \u00e0 tous les membres du staff et enseignants. Voulez-vous continuer ?",
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to yourself. Is this OK?": "Vous \u00eates sur le point d'envoyer un e-mail intitul\u00e9 '<%= subject %>' \u00e0 vous-m\u00eame. Voulez-vous continuer ?",
"You are currently sharing a limited profile.": "Vous partagez actuellement votre profil restreint.",
"You are enrolling in: %(courseName)s": "Vous vous inscrivez \u00e0 : %(courseName)s",
"You are not currently a member of any team.": "Actuellement, vous n'\u00eates membre d'aucune \u00e9quipe.",
"You are now enrolled as a verified student for:": "Vous vous \u00eates maintenant engag\u00e9 en tant qu'\u00e9tudiant v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 pour :",
"You can now enter your payment information and complete your enrollment.": "Vous pouvez maintenant entrer vos informations de paiement et terminer votre inscription.",
......@@ -1151,7 +1145,6 @@
"Your request could not be completed. Reload the page and try again.": "Votre demande n'a pas pu \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e. Rafra\u00eechissez la page et r\u00e9essayez.",
"Your upload of '{file}' failed.": "Le chargement de '{file}' a \u00e9chou\u00e9.",
"Your upload of '{file}' succeeded.": "Chargement de '{file}' r\u00e9ussi.",
"Your verification status is good until %(verificationGoodUntil)s.": "Votre v\u00e9rification est valable jusqu'au %(verificationGoodUntil)s.",
"Zoom In": "Zoomer",
"Zoom Out": "D\u00e9zoomer ",
"[no tags]": "[aucun tag]",
......@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
"About me": "\uc790\uae30\uc18c\uac1c",
"Account Settings": "\uacc4\uc815 \uc124\uc815",
"Account Settings page.": "\uacc4\uc815 \uc124\uc815 \ud398\uc774\uc9c0",
"Activating an item in this group will spool the video to the corresponding time point. To skip transcript, go to previous item.": "\uc774 \uadf8\ub8f9\uc758 \ud56d\ubaa9 \ud65c\uc131\ud654\uac00 \uc77c\uce58\ud558\ub294 \uc2dc\uac04 \uc9c0\uc810\uc5d0 \ub3d9\uc601\uc0c1\uc744 \uc2a4\ud480\ud560 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc790\ub9c9\uc744 \ub118\uae30\ub824\uba74, \uc774\uc804 \ud56d\ubaa9\uc73c\ub85c \uac00\uc138\uc694. ",
"Add Cohort": "\ud559\uc2b5\uc9d1\ub2e8 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30",
"Add Country": "\uad6d\uac00 \ucd94\uac00",
"Add Students": "\ud559\uc2b5\uc790 \ucd94\uac00",
......@@ -521,8 +521,6 @@
"Numbered list": "\u7f16\u53f7\u5217\u8868",
"OK": "\u662f\u7684",
"Ok": "\u786e\u5b9a",
"Once in position, use the camera button %(icon)s to capture your ID": "\u4e00\u65e6\u4f60\u5c06\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6\u6446\u653e\u59a5\u5f53\uff0c\u8bf7\u7528\u76f8\u673a\u6309\u94ae%(icon)s\u6765\u62cd\u7167",
"Once in position, use the camera button %(icon)s to capture your photo": "\u4e00\u4f46\u4f60\u5df2\u7ecf\u5c31\u4f4d\uff0c\u8bf7\u7528\u76f8\u673a\u6309\u94ae%(icon)s\u6765\u62cd\u7167",
"Only <%= fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file ending in <%= fileExtensions %> to upload.": "\u53ea\u6709 <%= fileTypes %> \u683c\u5f0f\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u53ef\u4ee5\u4e0a\u4f20\u3002\u8bf7\u9009\u62e9\u4e00\u4e2a\u4ee5 <%= fileExtensions %> \u7ed3\u5c3e\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u4e0a\u4f20\u3002",
"Only properly formatted .csv files will be accepted.": "\u53ea\u6709\u6807\u51c6\u7684CSV\u683c\u5f0f\u6587\u4ef6\u4f1a\u88ab\u63a5\u53d7\u3002",
"Open Calculator": "\u6253\u5f00\u8ba1\u7b97\u5668",
......@@ -717,8 +715,6 @@
"Text color": "\u6587\u672c\u989c\u8272",
"Text to display": "\u8981\u663e\u793a\u7684\u6587\u5b57",
"Thank you for submitting your photos. We will review them shortly. You can now sign up for any %(platformName)s course that offers verified certificates. Verification is good for one year. After one year, you must submit photos for verification again.": "\u611f\u8c22\u4f60\u63d0\u4ea4\u7167\u7247\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5c06\u4e8e\u7a0d\u540e\u8fdb\u884c\u5ba1\u6838\u3002\u4f60\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u53ef\u4ee5\u6ce8\u518c%(platformName)s\u4e0a\u4efb\u610f\u63d0\u4f9b\u8ba4\u8bc1\u8bc1\u4e66\u7684\u8bfe\u7a0b\u3002\u8ba4\u8bc1\u53ea\u5728\u4e00\u5e74\u5185\u6709\u6548\uff0c\u4e00\u5e74\u540e\uff0c\u4f60\u5fc5\u987b\u8981\u63d0\u4ea4\u7167\u7247\u91cd\u65b0\u8ba4\u8bc1\u3002",
"Thank you! We have received your payment for %(courseName)s.": "\u8c22\u8c22\uff01\u6211\u4eec\u5df2\u7ecf\u6536\u5230\u4f60\u5bf9%(courseName)s\u7684\u4ed8\u6b3e\u3002",
"Thanks for returning to verify your ID in: %(courseName)s": "\u611f\u8c22\u4f60\u56de\u6765\u4e3a%(courseName)s\u9a8c\u8bc1\u4f60\u7684\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u4ef6",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "\u8f93\u5165\u7684URL\u4f3c\u4e4e\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u7535\u5b50\u90ae\u4ef6\u5730\u5740\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u52a0\u4e0a\u201cmailto:\u201d\u524d\u7f00\u5417\uff1f",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?": "\u8f93\u5165\u7684 URL \u4f3c\u4e4e\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u5916\u90e8\u94fe\u63a5\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u52a0\u4e0a\u201chttp://\u201d\u524d\u7f00\u5417\uff1f",
"The cohort cannot be added": "\u8be5\u7fa4\u7ec4\u4e0d\u80fd\u6dfb\u52a0",
......@@ -877,9 +873,7 @@
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to ALL (everyone who is enrolled in this course as student, staff, or instructor). Is this OK?": "\u60a8\u5373\u5c06\u5411\u9009\u4fee\u8be5\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7684\u6240\u6709\u4eba(\u9009\u8bfe\u7684\u5b66\u751f\u3001\u6559\u5458\u548c\u4e3b\u8bb2\u6559\u5e08)\u53d1\u9001\u4e00\u5c01\u6807\u9898\u4e3a\u201c<%= subject %>\u201d\u7684\u90ae\u4ef6\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u5417\uff1f",
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to everyone who is staff or instructor on this course. Is this OK?": "\u60a8\u51c6\u5907\u5411\u8be5\u8bfe\u7a0b\u7684\u6240\u6709\u6559\u5458\u548c\u4e3b\u8bb2\u6559\u5e08\u53d1\u9001\u4e00\u5c01\u6807\u9898\u4e3a\u201c<%= subject %>\u201d\u7684\u90ae\u4ef6\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u5417\uff1f",
"You are about to send an email titled '<%= subject %>' to yourself. Is this OK?": "\u4f60\u51c6\u5907\u5411\u81ea\u5df1\u53d1\u9001\u4e00\u5c01\u6807\u9898\u4e3a\u201c<%= subject %>\u201d\u7684\u90ae\u4ef6\uff0c\u786e\u8ba4\u5417\uff1f",
"You are enrolling in: %(courseName)s": "\u4f60\u5373\u5c06\u9009\u4fee\uff1a%(courseName)s",
"You are now enrolled as a verified student for:": "\u4f60\u73b0\u5728\u6b63\u4ee5\u5df2\u8ba4\u8bc1\u5b66\u751f\u7684\u8eab\u4efd\u9009\u4fee\uff1a",
"You are upgrading your enrollment for: %(courseName)s": "\u4f60\u6b63\u5728\u4e3a%(courseName)s\u5347\u7ea7\u4f60\u7684\u9009\u8bfe\u7c7b\u578b",
"You can now enter your payment information and complete your enrollment.": "\u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u8f93\u5165\u652f\u4ed8\u4fe1\u606f\u5e76\u5b8c\u6210\u9009\u8bfe\u3002",
"You can pay now even if you don't have the following items available, but you will need to have these by %(date)s to qualify to earn a Verified Certificate.": "\u5373\u4f7f\u4f60\u6ca1\u6709\u6ee1\u8db3\u4e0b\u9762\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\uff0c\u4f60\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u4ed8\u6b3e\uff1b\u4f46\u662f\u4f60\u53ea\u6709\u5728%(date)s\u4e4b\u524d\u6ee1\u8db3\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\u624d\u6709\u8d44\u683c\u83b7\u5f97\u4e00\u4efd\u5df2\u8ba4\u8bc1\u7684\u8bc1\u4e66\u3002",
"You can pay now even if you don't have the following items available, but you will need to have these to qualify to earn a Verified Certificate.": "\u5373\u4f7f\u4f60\u6ca1\u6709\u6ee1\u8db3\u4e0b\u9762\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\uff0c\u4f60\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5\u73b0\u5728\u5c31\u4ed8\u6b3e\uff1b\u4f46\u662f\u4f60\u53ea\u6709\u6ee1\u8db3\u4e86\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8981\u6c42\u624d\u6709\u8d44\u683c\u83b7\u5f97\u4e00\u4efd\u5df2\u8ba4\u8bc1\u7684\u8bc1\u4e66\u3002",
......@@ -923,7 +917,6 @@
"Your post will be discarded.": "\u60a8\u7684\u5e16\u5b50\u5c06\u88ab\u64a4\u9500\u3002",
"Your upload of '{file}' failed.": "\u4f60\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u201c{file}\u201d\u4e0a\u4f20\u5931\u8d25\u3002",
"Your upload of '{file}' succeeded.": "\u4f60\u7684\u6587\u4ef6\u201c{file}\u201d\u4e0a\u4f20\u6210\u529f\u3002",
"Your verification status is good until %(verificationGoodUntil)s.": "\u5728%(verificationGoodUntil)s\u4e4b\u524d\u60a8\u7684\u9a8c\u8bc1\u72b6\u6001\u90fd\u6709\u6548\u3002",
"a day": "\u4e00\u5929",
"about %d hour": [
"\u5927\u7ea6 %d \u5c0f\u65f6"
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