Commit c667036b by cjt

handle degenerate plotting case...

parent 2d68e396
......@@ -1777,12 +1777,22 @@ schematic = (function() {
// given a range of values, return a new range [vmin',vmax'] where the limits
// have been chosen "nicely". Taken from matplotlib.ticker.LinearLocator
function view_limits(vmin,vmax) {
// deal with degenerate case...
if (vmin == vmax) {
if (vmin == 0) { vmin = -0.5; vmax = 0.5; }
else {
vmin = vmin > 0 ? 0.9*vmin : 1.1*vmin;
vmax = vmax > 0 ? 1.1*vmax : 0.9*vmax;
var log_range = Math.log(vmax - vmin)/Math.LN10;
var exponent = Math.floor(log_range);
//if (log_range - exponent < 0.5) exponent -= 1;
var scale = Math.pow(10,-exponent);
vmin = Math.floor(scale*vmin)/scale;
vmax = Math.ceil(scale*vmax)/scale;
return [vmin,vmax,1.0/scale];
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