<p>Use the IFrame tool to embed an exercise or tool from any web site into your course content. For example, the tool below allows learners to experiment with how the shape of a triangle affects a line that is derived from the triangle.</p>
<p>Use the IFrame tool to embed an exercise or tool from any web site into your course content. For example, the tool below allows learners to experiment with how the shape of a triangle affects a line that is derived from the triangle.</p>
<p>Exercises in an IFrame are not graded. To embed graded exercises, use a Custom JavaScript Problem.</p>
<p>Exercises in an IFrame are not graded. To embed graded exercises, use a Custom JavaScript Problem.</p>
<p>The following code is the HTML format required to use the IFrame tool. For the IFrame in this template, you must replace the values in <i>italics</i>.</p>
<p>The following code is the HTML format required to use the IFrame tool. For the IFrame in this template, you must replace the values in <i>italics</i>.</p>
<p>Use the Zooming Image Tool to enable learners to see details of large, complex images.</p>
<p>Use the Zooming Image Tool to enable learners to see details of large, complex images.</p>
<p>With the Zooming Image Tool, the learner can move the mouse pointer over a part of the image to enlarge it and see more detail.</p>
<p>With the Zooming Image Tool, the learner can move the mouse pointer over a part of the image to enlarge it and see more detail.</p>
<p>To use the Zooming Image Tool, you must first add the <a href="http://files.edx.org/jquery.loupeAndLightbox.js" target="_blank">jquery.loupeAndLightbox.js JavaScript file</a> to your course.</p>
<p>To use the Zooming Image Tool, you must first add the <a href="http://files.edx.org/jquery.loupeAndLightbox.js" target="_blank">jquery.loupeAndLightbox.js JavaScript file</a> to your course.</p>