Commit c555bf5a by ichuang

fix capa to add contextualize_text for optionresponse and multiplechoice

parent 95e7f2f1
......@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ class MultipleChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
# define correct choices (after calling secondary setup)
xml = self.xml
cxml = xml.xpath('//*[@id=$id]//choice[@correct="true"]', id=xml.get('id'))
self.correct_choices = [choice.get('name') for choice in cxml]
self.correct_choices = [contextualize_text(choice.get('name'), self.context) for choice in cxml]
def mc_setup_response(self):
......@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ class OptionResponse(LoncapaResponse):
return cmap
def get_answers(self):
amap = dict([(af.get('id'), af.get('correct')) for af in self.answer_fields])
amap = dict([(af.get('id'), contextualize_text(af.get('correct'), self.context)) for af in self.answer_fields])
# log.debug('%s: expected answers=%s' % (unicode(self),amap))
return amap
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