Commit c47f0ffb by Ibrahim Awwal

Hopefully fix code formatting showing up on comments? But it doesn't seem to happen everywhere...

parent 7c86f324
......@@ -120,9 +120,7 @@
<script type="text/template" id="response-comment-show-template">
<div id="comment_${'<%- id %>'}">
<div class="response-body">
${'<%- body %>'}
<div class="response-body">${'<%- body %>'}</div>
<p class="posted-details">&ndash;posted <span class="timeago" title="${'<%- created_at %>'}">${'<%- created_at %>'}</span> by
${"<% if (obj.username) { %>"}
<a href="${'<%- user_url %>'}" class="profile-link">${'<%- username %>'}</a>
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