Commit c3887b0b by Ben Patterson

Fix lettuce tests for Xenial compatibility and newer Chrome version.

parent e6e32d79
......@@ -279,10 +279,9 @@ def after_each_step(step):
def teardown_browser(total):
def saucelabs_status(total):
Quit the browser after executing the tests.
Collect data for saucelabs.
if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs':
set_saucelabs_job_status(world.jobid, total.scenarios_ran == total.scenarios_passed)
......@@ -56,12 +56,19 @@ def stop_video_server(_total):
def start_stub_servers():
Start all stub servers
for stub in SERVICES.keys():
@before.each_scenario # pylint: disable=no-member
def process_requires_tags(scenario):
def skip_youtube_if_not_available(scenario):
Process the scenario tags to make sure that any
requirements are met prior to that scenario
being executed.
Scenario tags must be named with this convention:
@requires_stub_bar, where 'bar' is the name of the stub service to start
......@@ -85,7 +92,7 @@ def process_requires_tags(scenario):
scenario.steps = []
def start_stub(name):
......@@ -124,11 +131,13 @@ def is_youtube_available(urls):
return True
@after.each_scenario # pylint: disable=no-member
@after.all # pylint: disable=no-member
def stop_stubs(_scenario):
Shut down any stub services that were started up for the scenario.
Shut down any stub services.
# close browser to ensure no open connections to the stub servers
for name in SERVICES.keys():
stub_server = getattr(world, name, None)
if stub_server is not None:
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