Commit c3845de7 by Greg Price

Fix bug in inline discussion post creation

Commit 994ccd11 contained a bug that caused new posts created via the
courseware interface to not get posted to the correct topic. They would
appear to work but would actually be posted to the "undefined" topic.
This has now been fixed.

parent 69e20595
......@@ -23,6 +23,17 @@ describe "NewPostView", ->
<script aria-hidden="true" type="text/template" id="new-post-inline-template">
<div class="inner-wrapper">
<div class="new-post-form-errors">
<form class="new-post-form">
<%= editor_html %>
<%= options_html %>
<script aria-hidden="true" type="text/template" id="new-post-menu-entry-template">
<li role="menuitem"><a href="#" class="topic" data-discussion_id="<%- id %>" aria-describedby="topic-name-span-<%- id %>" cohorted="<%- is_cohorted %>"><%- text %></a></li>
......@@ -92,6 +103,9 @@ describe "NewPostView", ->
window.$$course_id = "edX/999/test"
spyOn(DiscussionUtil, "makeWmdEditor")
@discussion = new Discussion([], {pages: 1})
describe "Drop down works correct", ->
beforeEach ->
@view = new NewPostView(
el: $(".new-post-article"),
collection: @discussion,
......@@ -122,8 +136,6 @@ describe "NewPostView", ->
@parent_category_text = "Basic Question Types"
@selected_option_text = "Selection From Options"
describe "Drop down works correct", ->
it "completely show parent category and sub-category", ->
complete_text = @parent_category_text + " / " + @selected_option_text
selected_text_width = @view.getNameWidth(complete_text)
......@@ -158,3 +170,24 @@ describe "NewPostView", ->
@view.$el.find( "ul.topic_menu li[role='menuitem'] > a" )[1].click()
dropdown_text = @view.$el.find(".form-topic-drop > a").text()
expect(dropdown_text.indexOf("/ span>")).toEqual(-1)
it "posts to the correct URL", ->
topicId = "test_topic"
spyOn($, "ajax").andCallFake(
(params) ->
expect(params.url.path()).toEqual(DiscussionUtil.urlFor("create_thread", topicId))
{always: ->}
view = new NewPostView(
el: $(".new-post-article"),
collection: @discussion,
course_settings: new DiscussionCourseSettings({
allow_anonymous: false,
allow_anonymous_to_peers: false
mode: "inline",
topicId: topicId
......@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ if Backbone?
@newPostView = new NewPostView(
el: @newPostForm,
collection: @discussion,
course_settings: @course_settings
course_settings: @course_settings,
topicId: discussionId
@discussion.on "add", @addThread
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ if Backbone?
throw new Error("invalid mode: " + @mode)
@course_settings = options.course_settings
@maxNameWidth = 100
@topicId = options.topicId
render: () ->
if @mode is "tab"
Markdown is supported
0% or
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
Finish editing this message first!
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