Commit c351eaf1 by Jim Abramson

Merge pull request #7081 from open-craft/nonunique-discussion-targets

Fix issues with non-unique discussion targets
parents ff72eada 639ab0dc
......@@ -359,6 +359,27 @@ class CategoryMapTestCase(CategoryMapTestMixin, ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.course.cohort_config = {"cohorted": True}
def test_tree_with_duplicate_targets(self):
self.create_discussion("Chapter 1", "Discussion A")
self.create_discussion("Chapter 1", "Discussion B")
self.create_discussion("Chapter 1", "Discussion A") # duplicate
self.create_discussion("Chapter 1", "Discussion A") # another duplicate
self.create_discussion("Chapter 2 / Section 1 / Subsection 1", "Discussion")
self.create_discussion("Chapter 2 / Section 1 / Subsection 1", "Discussion") # duplicate
category_map = utils.get_discussion_category_map(self.course, self.user)
chapter1 = category_map["subcategories"]["Chapter 1"]
chapter1_discussions = set(["Discussion A", "Discussion B", "Discussion A (1)", "Discussion A (2)"])
self.assertEqual(set(chapter1["children"]), chapter1_discussions)
self.assertEqual(set(chapter1["entries"].keys()), chapter1_discussions)
chapter2 = category_map["subcategories"]["Chapter 2"]
subsection1 = chapter2["subcategories"]["Section 1"]["subcategories"]["Subsection 1"]
subsection1_discussions = set(["Discussion", "Discussion (1)"])
self.assertEqual(set(subsection1["children"]), subsection1_discussions)
self.assertEqual(set(subsection1["entries"].keys()), subsection1_discussions)
def test_start_date_filter(self):
now =
later = datetime.max
......@@ -196,11 +196,18 @@ def get_discussion_category_map(course, user):
if node[level]["start_date"] > category_start_date:
node[level]["start_date"] = category_start_date
dupe_counters = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # counts the number of times we see each title
for entry in entries:
node[level]["entries"][entry["title"]] = {"id": entry["id"],
"sort_key": entry["sort_key"],
"start_date": entry["start_date"],
"is_cohorted": is_course_cohorted}
title = entry["title"]
if node[level]["entries"][title]:
# If we've already seen this title, append an incrementing number to disambiguate
# the category from other categores sharing the same title in the course discussion UI.
dupe_counters[title] += 1
title = u"{title} ({counter})".format(title=title, counter=dupe_counters[title])
node[level]["entries"][title] = {"id": entry["id"],
"sort_key": entry["sort_key"],
"start_date": entry["start_date"],
"is_cohorted": is_course_cohorted}
# TODO. BUG! : course location is not unique across multiple course runs!
# (I think Kevin already noticed this) Need to send course_id with requests, store it
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