Commit c329270f by Ned Batchelder

Dont extract test_root strings

parent 520822c3
......@@ -44,29 +44,29 @@ def main():
for filename in generated_files:
# Prepare makemessages command.
ignore_dirs = ["docs", "src", "i18n", "test_root"]
ignores = " ".join("--ignore={}/*".format(d) for d in ignore_dirs)
makemessages = ' makemessages -l en ' + ignores
# Extract strings from mako templates.
babel_mako_cmd = 'pybabel extract -F %s -c "Translators:" . -o %s' % (BABEL_CONFIG, BABEL_OUT)
# Extract strings from django source files.
make_django_cmd = (
' makemessages -l en --ignore=src/* --ignore=i18n/* '
'--extension html'
# Extract strings from Javascript source files.
make_djangojs_cmd = (
' makemessages -l en --ignore=src/* --ignore=i18n/* '
'-d djangojs --extension js'
execute(babel_mako_cmd, working_directory=BASE_DIR)
# Extract strings from django source files, including .py files.
make_django_cmd = makemessages + ' --extension html'
execute(make_django_cmd, working_directory=BASE_DIR)
# Extract strings from Javascript source files.
make_djangojs_cmd = makemessages + ' -d djangojs --extension js'
execute(make_djangojs_cmd, working_directory=BASE_DIR)
# makemessages creates 'django.po'. This filename is hardcoded.
# Rename it to django-partial.po to enable merging into django.po later.
execute(make_djangojs_cmd, working_directory=BASE_DIR)
for filename in generated_files:'Cleaning %s' % filename)
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