Commit c32823df by Awais Jibran

Render cms course listing using CourseSummary class.

parent 5df15fcf
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import django.utils
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods, require_GET
from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from opaque_keys.edx.locations import Location
......@@ -345,6 +346,39 @@ def _course_outline_json(request, course_module):
def get_in_process_course_actions(request):
Get all in-process course actions
return [
course for course in
exclude_args={'state': CourseRerunUIStateManager.State.SUCCEEDED}, should_display=True
if has_studio_read_access(request.user, course.course_key)
def _staff_accessible_course_list(request):
List all courses available to the logged in user by iterating through all the courses
def course_filter(course_summary):
Filter out unusable and inaccessible courses
# pylint: disable=fixme
# TODO remove this condition when templates purged from db
if course_summary.location.course == 'templates':
return False
return has_studio_read_access(request.user,
courses_summary = filter(course_filter, modulestore().get_course_summaries())
in_process_course_actions = get_in_process_course_actions(request)
return courses_summary, in_process_course_actions
def _accessible_courses_list(request):
List all courses available to the logged in user by iterating through all the courses
......@@ -364,13 +398,8 @@ def _accessible_courses_list(request):
return has_studio_read_access(request.user,
courses = filter(course_filter, modulestore().get_courses())
in_process_course_actions = [
course for course in
exclude_args={'state': CourseRerunUIStateManager.State.SUCCEEDED}, should_display=True
if has_studio_read_access(request.user, course.course_key)
in_process_course_actions = get_in_process_course_actions(request)
return courses, in_process_course_actions
......@@ -593,7 +622,7 @@ def get_courses_accessible_to_user(request):
if GlobalStaff().has_user(request.user):
# user has global access so no need to get courses from django groups
courses, in_process_course_actions = _accessible_courses_list(request)
courses, in_process_course_actions = _staff_accessible_course_list(request)
courses, in_process_course_actions = _accessible_courses_list_from_groups(request)
......@@ -626,9 +655,9 @@ def _remove_in_process_courses(courses, in_process_course_actions):
in_process_action_course_keys = [uca.course_key for uca in in_process_course_actions]
courses = [
for c in courses
if not isinstance(c, ErrorDescriptor) and ( not in in_process_action_course_keys)
for course in courses
if not isinstance(course, ErrorDescriptor) and ( not in in_process_action_course_keys)
return courses
......@@ -1367,3 +1367,56 @@ class CourseDescriptor(CourseFields, SequenceDescriptor, LicenseMixin):
bool: False if the course has already started, True otherwise.
return <= self.start
class CourseSummary(object):
A lightweight course summary class, which constructs split/mongo course summary without loading
the course. It is used at cms for listing courses to global staff user.
course_info_fields = ['display_name', 'display_coursenumber', 'display_organization']
def __init__(self, course_locator, display_name=u"Empty", display_coursenumber=None, display_organization=None):
Initialize and construct course summary
course_locator (CourseLocator): CourseLocator object of the course.
display_name (unicode): display name of the course. When you create a course from console, display_name
isn't set (course block has no key `display_name`). "Empty" name is returned when we load the course.
If `display_name` isn't present in the course block, use the `Empty` as default display name.
We can set None as a display_name in Course Advance Settings; Do not use "Empty" when display_name is
set to None.
display_coursenumber (unicode|None): Course number that is specified & appears in the courseware
display_organization (unicode|None): Course organization that is specified & appears in the courseware
self.display_coursenumber = display_coursenumber
self.display_organization = display_organization
self.display_name = display_name = course_locator # pylint: disable=invalid-name
self.location = course_locator.make_usage_key('course', 'course')
def display_org_with_default(self):
Return a display organization if it has been specified, otherwise return the 'org' that
is in the location
if self.display_organization:
return self.display_organization
def display_number_with_default(self):
Return a display course number if it has been specified, otherwise return the 'course' that
is in the location
if self.display_coursenumber:
return self.display_coursenumber
return self.location.course
......@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ class ItemWriteConflictError(Exception):
class MultipleCourseBlocksFound(Exception):
Raise this exception when Iterating over the course blocks return multiple course blocks.
class InsufficientSpecificationError(Exception):
......@@ -266,6 +266,26 @@ class MixedModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
return store.get_items(course_key, **kwargs)
def get_course_summaries(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list containing the course information in CourseSummary objects.
Information contains `location`, `display_name`, `locator` of the courses in this modulestore.
course_summaries = {}
for store in self.modulestores:
for course_summary in store.get_course_summaries(**kwargs):
course_id = self._clean_locator_for_mapping(
# Check if course is indeed unique. Save it in result if unique
if course_id in course_summaries:
u"Modulestore %s have duplicate courses %s; skipping from result.", store, course_id
course_summaries[course_id] = course_summary
return course_summaries.values()
def get_courses(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list containing the top level XModuleDescriptors of the courses in this modulestore.
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from xblock.fields import Scope, ScopeIds, Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceVa
from xblock.runtime import KvsFieldData
from xmodule.assetstore import AssetMetadata, CourseAssetsFromStorage
from xmodule.course_module import CourseSummary
from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor
from xmodule.errortracker import null_error_tracker, exc_info_to_str
from xmodule.exceptions import HeartbeatFailure
......@@ -969,6 +970,40 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return apply_cached_metadata
def get_course_summaries(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list of `CourseSummary`. This accepts an optional parameter of 'org' which
will apply an efficient filter to only get courses with the specified ORG
def extract_course_summary(course):
Extract course information from the course block for mongo.
return {
field: course['metadata'][field]
for field in CourseSummary.course_info_fields
if field in course['metadata']
course_org_filter = kwargs.get('org')
query = {'_id.category': 'course'}
if course_org_filter:
query[''] = course_org_filter
course_records = self.collection.find(query, {'metadata': True})
courses_summaries = []
for course in course_records:
if not (course['_id']['org'] == 'edx' and course['_id']['course'] == 'templates'):
locator = SlashSeparatedCourseKey(course['_id']['org'], course['_id']['course'], course['_id']['name'])
course_summary = extract_course_summary(course)
CourseSummary(locator, **course_summary)
return courses_summaries
def get_courses(self, **kwargs):
Returns a list of course descriptors. This accepts an optional parameter of 'org' which
......@@ -209,20 +209,20 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
parent = course_key.make_usage_key(parent_key.type,
parent = None
kvs = SplitMongoKVS(
kvs = SplitMongoKVS(
if InheritanceMixin in self.modulestore.xblock_mixins:
field_data = inheriting_field_data(kvs)
field_data = KvsFieldData(kvs)
if InheritanceMixin in self.modulestore.xblock_mixins:
field_data = inheriting_field_data(kvs)
field_data = KvsFieldData(kvs)
module = self.construct_xblock_from_class(
ScopeIds(None, block_key.type, definition_id, block_locator),
......@@ -354,6 +354,26 @@ class MongoConnection(object):
return docs
def find_course_blocks_by_id(self, ids, course_context=None):
Find all structures that specified in `ids`. Among the blocks only return block whose type is `course`.
ids (list): A list of structure ids
with TIMER.timer("find_course_blocks_by_id", course_context) as tagger:
tagger.measure("requested_ids", len(ids))
docs = [
structure_from_mongo(structure, course_context)
for structure in self.structures.find(
{'_id': {'$in': ids}},
{'blocks': {'$elemMatch': {'block_type': 'course'}}, 'root': 1}
tagger.measure("structures", len(docs))
return docs
def find_structures_derived_from(self, ids, course_context=None):
Return all structures that were immediately derived from a structure listed in ``ids``.
......@@ -66,13 +66,14 @@ from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.fields import Scope, Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict
from xmodule.course_module import CourseSummary
from xmodule.errortracker import null_error_tracker
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import (
BlockUsageLocator, DefinitionLocator, CourseLocator, LibraryLocator, VersionTree, LocalId,
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator, CCXBlockUsageLocator
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import InsufficientSpecificationError, VersionConflictError, DuplicateItemError, \
DuplicateCourseError, MultipleCourseBlocksFound
from xmodule.modulestore import (
inheritance, ModuleStoreWriteBase, ModuleStoreEnum,
BulkOpsRecord, BulkOperationsMixin, SortedAssetList, BlockData
......@@ -539,6 +540,17 @@ class SplitBulkWriteMixin(BulkOperationsMixin):
return indexes
def find_course_blocks_by_id(self, ids):
Find all structures that specified in `ids`. Filter the course blocks to only return whose
`block_type` is `course`
ids (list): A list of structure ids
ids = set(ids)
return self.db_connection.find_course_blocks_by_id(list(ids))
def find_structures_by_id(self, ids):
Return all structures that specified in ``ids``.
......@@ -849,15 +861,39 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
# add it in the envelope for the structure.
return CourseEnvelope(course_key.replace(version_guid=version_guid), entry)
def _get_course_blocks_for_branch(self, branch, **kwargs):
Internal generator for fetching lists of courses without loading them.
version_guids, id_version_map = self.collect_ids_from_matching_indexes(branch, **kwargs)
if not version_guids:
for entry in self.find_course_blocks_by_id(version_guids):
for course_index in id_version_map[entry['_id']]:
yield entry, course_index
def _get_structures_for_branch(self, branch, **kwargs):
Internal generator for fetching lists of courses, libraries, etc.
version_guids, id_version_map = self.collect_ids_from_matching_indexes(branch, **kwargs)
# if we pass in a 'org' parameter that means to
# only get the course which match the passed in
if not version_guids:
for entry in self.find_structures_by_id(version_guids):
for course_index in id_version_map[entry['_id']]:
yield entry, course_index
def collect_ids_from_matching_indexes(self, branch, **kwargs):
Find the course_indexes which have the specified branch. if `kwargs` contains `org`
to apply an ORG filter to return only the courses that are part of that ORG. Extract `version_guids`
from the course_indexes.
matching_indexes = self.find_matching_course_indexes(
......@@ -871,13 +907,7 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
version_guid = course_index['versions'][branch]
if not version_guids:
for entry in self.find_structures_by_id(version_guids):
for course_index in id_version_map[entry['_id']]:
yield entry, course_index
return version_guids, id_version_map
def _get_structures_for_branch_and_locator(self, branch, locator_factory, **kwargs):
......@@ -933,6 +963,50 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
# get the blocks for each course index (s/b the root)
return self._get_structures_for_branch_and_locator(branch, self._create_course_locator, **kwargs)
def get_course_summaries(self, branch, **kwargs):
Returns a list of `CourseSummary` which matching any given qualifiers.
qualifiers should be a dict of keywords matching the db fields or any
legal query for mongo to use against the active_versions collection.
Note, this is to find the current head of the named branch type.
To get specific versions via guid use get_course.
:param branch: the branch for which to return courses.
def extract_course_summary(course):
Extract course information from the course block for split.
return {
field: course.fields[field]
for field in CourseSummary.course_info_fields
if field in course.fields
courses_summaries = []
for entry, structure_info in self._get_course_blocks_for_branch(branch, **kwargs):
course_locator = self._create_course_locator(structure_info, branch=None)
course_block = [
for block_key, block_data in entry['blocks'].items()
if block_key.type == "course"
if not course_block:
raise ItemNotFoundError
if len(course_block) > 1:
raise MultipleCourseBlocksFound(
"Expected 1 course block to be found in the course, but found {0}".format(len(course_block))
course_summary = extract_course_summary(course_block[0])
CourseSummary(course_locator, **course_summary)
return courses_summaries
def get_libraries(self, branch="library", **kwargs):
Returns a list of "library" root blocks matching any given qualifiers.
......@@ -74,6 +74,22 @@ class DraftVersioningModuleStore(SplitMongoModuleStore, ModuleStoreDraftAndPubli
source_course_id, dest_course_id, user_id, fields=fields, **kwargs
def get_course_summaries(self, **kwargs):
Returns course summaries on the Draft or Published branch depending on the branch setting.
branch_setting = self.get_branch_setting()
if branch_setting == ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.draft_preferred:
return super(DraftVersioningModuleStore, self).get_course_summaries(
ModuleStoreEnum.BranchName.draft, **kwargs
elif branch_setting == ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.published_only:
return super(DraftVersioningModuleStore, self).get_course_summaries(
ModuleStoreEnum.BranchName.published, **kwargs
raise InsufficientSpecificationError()
def get_courses(self, **kwargs):
Returns all the courses on the Draft or Published branch depending on the branch setting.
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Tests of modulestore semantics: How do the interfaces methods of ModuleStore rel
import ddt
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
from xmodule.course_module import CourseSummary
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.utils import (
PureModulestoreTestCase, MongoModulestoreBuilder,
......@@ -177,6 +178,20 @@ class DirectOnlyCategorySemantics(PureModulestoreTestCase):
self.assertNotParentOf(self.course.scope_ids.usage_id, block_usage_key, draft=draft)
def assertCourseSummaryFields(self, course_summaries):
Assert that the `course_summary` of a course has all expected fields.
course_summaries: list of CourseSummary class objects.
def verify_course_summery_fields(course_summary):
""" Verify that every `course_summary` object has all the required fields """
expected_fields = CourseSummary.course_info_fields + ['id', 'location']
return all([hasattr(course_summary, field) for field in expected_fields])
self.assertTrue(all(verify_course_summery_fields(course_summary) for course_summary in course_summaries))
def is_detached(self, block_type):
Return True if ``block_type`` is a detached block.
......@@ -259,6 +274,21 @@ class DirectOnlyCategorySemantics(PureModulestoreTestCase):
self.assertBlockDoesntExist(block_usage_key), ModuleStoreEnum.Branch.published_only)
def test_course_summaries(self, branch):
""" Test that `get_course_summaries` method in modulestore work as expected. """
course_summaries =
# Verify course summaries
self.assertEqual(len(course_summaries), 1)
# Verify that all course summary objects have the required attributes.
# Verify fetched accessible courses list is a list of CourseSummery instances
self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(course, CourseSummary) for course in course_summaries))*itertools.product(['chapter', 'sequential'], [True, False]))
def test_delete_child(self, block_type, child_published):
......@@ -835,6 +835,12 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreReadBase):
def get_course_summaries(self, **kwargs):
Returns `self.get_courses()`. Use to list courses to the global staff user.
return self.get_courses(**kwargs)
def get_errored_courses(self):
Return a dictionary of course_dir -> [(msg, exception_str)], for each
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