Commit c305fc38 by Adam Palay

fix regression for stringresponse problems with unspecified case sensitivity (BLD-710)

write failing tests
parent ac3cd92b
......@@ -1054,8 +1054,11 @@ class StringResponse(LoncapaResponse):
def setup_response(self):
self.backward = '_or_' in self.xml.get('answer').lower()
self.regexp = 'regexp' in self.xml.get('type').lower().split(' ')
self.case_insensitive = 'ci' in self.xml.get('type').lower().split(' ')
self.regexp = False
self.case_insensitive = False
if self.xml.get('type') is not None:
self.regexp = 'regexp' in self.xml.get('type').lower().split(' ')
self.case_insensitive = 'ci' in self.xml.get('type').lower().split(' ')
# backward compatibility, can be removed in future, it is up to @Lyla Fisher.
if self.backward:
......@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ class StringResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
# Retrieve the **kwargs
answer = kwargs.get("answer", None)
case_sensitive = kwargs.get("case_sensitive", True)
case_sensitive = kwargs.get("case_sensitive", None)
hint_list = kwargs.get('hints', None)
hint_fn = kwargs.get('hintfn', None)
regexp = kwargs.get('regexp', None)
......@@ -714,9 +714,12 @@ class StringResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
response_element.set("answer", unicode(answer))
# Set the case sensitivity and regexp:
type_value = "cs" if case_sensitive else "ci"
type_value = ''
if case_sensitive is not None:
type_value += "cs" if case_sensitive else "ci"
type_value += ' regexp' if regexp else ''
response_element.set("type", type_value)
if type_value:
response_element.set("type", type_value.strip())
# Add the hints if specified
if hint_list or hint_fn:
......@@ -564,6 +564,10 @@ class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
problem = self.build_problem(answer=".*tre+", case_sensitive=False, regexp=True)
self.assert_grade(problem, "There is a tree", "correct")
# test with case_sensitive not specified
problem = self.build_problem(answer=".*tre+", regexp=True)
self.assert_grade(problem, "There is a tree", "correct")
answers = [
"Martin Luther King Junior",
"Doctor Martin Luther King Junior",
......@@ -611,6 +615,7 @@ class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, u"î", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, u"o", "incorrect")
def test_backslash_and_unicode_regexps(self):
Test some special cases of [unicode] regexps.
......@@ -643,26 +648,39 @@ class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
def test_case_sensitive(self):
# Test single answer
problem = self.build_problem(answer="Second", case_sensitive=True)
problem_specified = self.build_problem(answer="Second", case_sensitive=True)
# should also be case_sensitive if case sensitivity is not specified
problem_not_specified = self.build_problem(answer="Second")
problems = [problem_specified, problem_not_specified]
# Exact string should be correct
self.assert_grade(problem, "Second", "correct")
for problem in problems:
# Exact string should be correct
self.assert_grade(problem, "Second", "correct")
# Other strings and the lowercase version of the string are incorrect
self.assert_grade(problem, "Other String", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "incorrect")
# Other strings and the lowercase version of the string are incorrect
self.assert_grade(problem, "Other String", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "incorrect")
# Test multiple answers
answers = ["Second", "Third", "Fourth"]
problem = self.build_problem(answer="sample_answer", case_sensitive=True, additional_answers=answers)
for answer in answers:
# Exact string should be correct
self.assert_grade(problem, answer, "correct")
# Other strings and the lowercase version of the string are incorrect
self.assert_grade(problem, "Other String", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "incorrect")
# set up problems
problem_specified = self.build_problem(
answer="sample_answer", case_sensitive=True, additional_answers=answers
problem_not_specified = self.build_problem(
answer="sample_answer", additional_answers=answers
problems = [problem_specified, problem_not_specified]
for problem in problems:
for answer in answers:
# Exact string should be correct
self.assert_grade(problem, answer, "correct")
# Other strings and the lowercase version of the string are incorrect
self.assert_grade(problem, "Other String", "incorrect")
self.assert_grade(problem, "second", "incorrect")
def test_bogus_escape_not_raised(self):
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