Unverified Commit c1e878fb by Cliff Dyer Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #16234 from open-craft/cliff/complete-default-blocks

Complete default blocks
parents 390beb70 b8202e40
/* JavaScript for Vertical Student View. */
/* global Set:false */ // false means do not assign to Set
// The vertical marks blocks complete if they are completable by viewing. The
// global variable SEEN_COMPLETABLES tracks blocks between separate loads of
// the same vertical (when a learner goes from one tab to the next, and then
// navigates back within a given sequential) to protect against duplicate calls
// to the server.
var SEEN_COMPLETABLES = new Set();
window.VerticalStudentView = function(runtime, element) {
'use strict';
RequireJS.require(['course_bookmarks/js/views/bookmark_button'], function(BookmarkButton) {
......@@ -13,4 +24,32 @@ window.VerticalStudentView = function(runtime, element) {
apiUrl: $bookmarkButtonElement.data('bookmarksApiUrl')
function(idx, block) {
var blockKey = block.dataset.id;
if (block.dataset.completableByViewing === undefined) {
// * Check if blocks are in the browser's view window or in focus
// before marking complete. This will include a configurable
// delay so that blocks must be seen for a few seconds before
// being marked complete, to prevent completion via rapid
// scrolling. (OC-3358)
// * Limit network traffic by batching and throttling calls.
// (OC-3090)
if (blockKey && !SEEN_COMPLETABLES.has(blockKey)) {
type: 'POST',
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'publish_completion'),
data: JSON.stringify({
block_key: blockKey,
completion: 1.0
......@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ class LibraryContentModule(LibraryContentFields, XModule, StudioEditableModule):
'items': contents,
'xblock_context': context,
'show_bookmark_button': False,
'watched_completable_blocks': set(),
return fragment
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from lxml import etree
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from pytz import UTC
from xblock.completable import XBlockCompletionMode
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.fields import Boolean, Integer, List, Scope, String
from xblock.fragment import Fragment
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ _ = lambda text: text
class SequenceFields(object):
has_children = True
completion_mode = XBlockCompletionMode.AGGREGATOR
# NOTE: Position is 1-indexed. This is silly, but there are now student
# positions saved on prod, so it's not easy to fix.
Tests for vertical module.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import ddt
from mock import Mock
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
from xmodule.tests import get_test_system
from xmodule.tests.helpers import StubUserService
from xmodule.tests.xml import XModuleXmlImportTest
from xmodule.tests.xml import factories as xml
from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW, AUTHOR_VIEW
from mock import Mock, patch
import six
from . import get_test_system
from .helpers import StubUserService
from .xml import XModuleXmlImportTest
from .xml import factories as xml
from ..x_module import STUDENT_VIEW, AUTHOR_VIEW
JsonRequest = namedtuple('JsonRequest', ['method', 'body'])
def get_json_request(data):
Given a data dictionary, return an appropriate JSON request.
return JsonRequest(
class StubCompletionService(object):
A stub implementation of the CompletionService for testing without access to django
def __init__(self, enabled, completion_value):
self._enabled = enabled
self._completion_value = completion_value
def completion_tracking_enabled(self):
Turn on or off completion tracking for clients of the
return self._enabled
def get_completions(self, candidates):
Return the (dummy) completion values for each specified candidate
return {candidate: self._completion_value for candidate in candidates}
class BaseVerticalBlockTest(XModuleXmlImportTest):
......@@ -33,12 +79,15 @@ class BaseVerticalBlockTest(XModuleXmlImportTest):
course_seq = self.course.get_children()[0]
self.module_system = get_test_system()
self.module_system.descriptor_runtime = self.course._runtime # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.module_system.descriptor_runtime = self.course._runtime
self.course.runtime.export_fs = MemoryFS()
self.vertical = course_seq.get_children()[0]
self.vertical.xmodule_runtime = self.module_system
self.html1block = self.vertical.get_children()[0]
self.html2block = self.vertical.get_children()[1]
self.username = "bilbo"
self.default_context = {"bookmarked": False, "username": self.username}
......@@ -66,8 +115,8 @@ class VerticalBlockTestCase(BaseVerticalBlockTest):
Test the rendering of the student view.
self.module_system._services['bookmarks'] = Mock() # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.module_system._services['user'] = StubUserService() # pylint: disable=protected-access
self.module_system._services['bookmarks'] = Mock()
self.module_system._services['user'] = StubUserService()
html = self.module_system.render(
self.vertical, STUDENT_VIEW, self.default_context if context is None else context
......@@ -76,6 +125,38 @@ class VerticalBlockTestCase(BaseVerticalBlockTest):
self.assertIn(self.test_html_2, html)
def _render_completable_blocks(template, context): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
A custom template rendering function that displays the
watched_completable_blocks of the template.
This is used because the default test renderer is haphazardly
formatted, and is difficult to make assertions about.
return u'|'.join(context['watched_completable_blocks'])
(True, 0.9, 'assertIn'),
(False, 0.9, 'assertNotIn'),
(True, 1.0, 'assertNotIn'),
def test_completion_data_attrs(self, completion_enabled, completion_value, assertion_method):
Test that data-completable-by-viewing attributes are included only when
the completion service is enabled, and only for blocks with a
completion value less than 1.0.
with patch.object(self.module_system, 'render_template', new=self._render_completable_blocks):
self.module_system._services['completion'] = StubCompletionService(
response = self.module_system.render(self.vertical, STUDENT_VIEW, self.default_context)
getattr(self, assertion_method)(six.text_type(self.html1block.location), response.content)
getattr(self, assertion_method)(six.text_type(self.html2block.location), response.content)
def test_render_studio_view(self):
Test the rendering of the Studio author view
......@@ -97,3 +178,14 @@ class VerticalBlockTestCase(BaseVerticalBlockTest):
html = self.module_system.render(self.vertical, AUTHOR_VIEW, context).content
self.assertIn(self.test_html_1, html)
self.assertIn(self.test_html_2, html)
def test_publish_completion(self):
request = get_json_request({"block_key": six.text_type(self.html1block.location), "completion": 1.0})
with patch.object(self.vertical.runtime, 'publish') as mock_publisher:
response = self.vertical.publish_completion(request)
"Expected 200, got {}: {}".format(response.status_code, response.body),
mock_publisher.assert_called_with(self.html1block, "completion", {"completion": 1.0})
VerticalBlock - an XBlock which renders its children in a column.
import logging
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from copy import copy
import logging
from lxml import etree
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
import six
from xblock.completable import XBlockCompletionMode
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.exceptions import JsonHandlerError
from xblock.fragment import Fragment
from xmodule.mako_module import MakoTemplateBlockBase
from xmodule.progress import Progress
from xmodule.seq_module import SequenceFields
......@@ -15,6 +23,7 @@ from xmodule.studio_editable import StudioEditableBlock
from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW, XModuleFields
from xmodule.xml_module import XmlParserMixin
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# HACK: This shouldn't be hard-coded to two types
......@@ -22,7 +31,21 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CLASS_PRIORITY = ['video', 'problem']
def is_completable_by_viewing(block):
Returns True if the block can by completed by viewing it.
This is true of any non-customized, non-scorable, completable block.
return (
getattr(block, 'completion_mode', XBlockCompletionMode.COMPLETABLE) == XBlockCompletionMode.COMPLETABLE
and not getattr(block, 'has_custom_completion', False)
and not block.has_score
@XBlock.needs('user', 'bookmarks')
class VerticalBlock(SequenceFields, XModuleFields, StudioEditableBlock, XmlParserMixin, MakoTemplateBlockBase, XBlock):
Layout XBlock for rendering subblocks vertically.
......@@ -37,6 +60,26 @@ class VerticalBlock(SequenceFields, XModuleFields, StudioEditableBlock, XmlParse
show_in_read_only_mode = True
def get_completable_by_viewing(self):
Return a set of descendent blocks that this vertical still needs to
mark complete upon viewing.
Completed blocks are excluded to reduce network traffic from clients.
completion_service = self.runtime.service(self, 'completion')
if completion_service is None:
return set()
if not completion_service.completion_tracking_enabled():
return set()
# pylint: disable=no-member
blocks = {block.location for block in self.get_display_items() if is_completable_by_viewing(block)}
# pylint: enable=no-member
# Exclude completed blocks to reduce traffic from client.
completions = completion_service.get_completions(blocks)
return {six.text_type(block_key) for block_key in blocks if completions[block_key] < 1.0}
def student_view(self, context):
Renders the student view of the block in the LMS.
......@@ -66,7 +109,7 @@ class VerticalBlock(SequenceFields, XModuleFields, StudioEditableBlock, XmlParse
'id': child.location.to_deprecated_string(),
'id': six.text_type(child.location),
'content': rendered_child.content
......@@ -76,7 +119,8 @@ class VerticalBlock(SequenceFields, XModuleFields, StudioEditableBlock, XmlParse
'unit_title': self.display_name_with_default if not is_child_of_vertical else None,
'show_bookmark_button': child_context.get('show_bookmark_button', not is_child_of_vertical),
'bookmarked': child_context['bookmarked'],
'bookmark_id': u"{},{}".format(child_context['username'], unicode(self.location))
'bookmark_id': u"{},{}".format(child_context['username'], unicode(self.location)), # pylint: disable=no-member
'watched_completable_blocks': self.get_completable_by_viewing(),
fragment.add_javascript_url(self.runtime.local_resource_url(self, 'public/js/vertical_student_view.js'))
......@@ -177,3 +221,29 @@ class VerticalBlock(SequenceFields, XModuleFields, StudioEditableBlock, XmlParse
xblock_body["content_type"] = "Sequence"
return xblock_body
def find_descendent(self, block_key):
Return the descendent block with the given block key if it exists.
Otherwise return None.
for block in self.get_display_items(): # pylint: disable=no-member
if block.location == block_key:
return block
def publish_completion(self, data, suffix=''): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Publish data from the front end.
block_key = UsageKey.from_string(data.pop('block_key')).map_into_course(self.course_id)
block = self.find_descendent(block_key)
if block is None:
message = "Invalid block: {} not found in {}"
raise JsonHandlerError(400, message.format(block_key, self.location)) # pylint: disable=no-member
elif not is_completable_by_viewing(block):
message = "Invalid block type: {} in block {} not configured for completion by viewing"
raise JsonHandlerError(400, message.format(type(block), block_key))
self.runtime.publish(block, "completion", data)
return {'result': 'ok'}
Runtime service for communicating completion information to the xblock system.
from .models import BlockCompletion
from . import waffle
class CompletionService(object):
Service for handling completions for a user within a course.
* self.completion_tracking_enabled() -> bool
* self.get_completions(candidates)
Constructor takes a user object and course_key as arguments.
def __init__(self, user, course_key):
self._user = user
self._course_key = course_key
def completion_tracking_enabled(self):
Exposes ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING waffle switch to XModule runtime
Return value:
bool -> True if completion tracking is enabled.
return waffle.waffle().is_enabled(waffle.ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING)
def get_completions(self, candidates):
Given an iterable collection of block_keys in the course, returns a
mapping of the block_keys to the present completion values of their
associated blocks.
If a completion is not found for a given block in the current course,
0.0 is returned. The service does not attempt to verify that the block
exists within the course.
candidates: collection of BlockKeys within the current course.
Return value:
dict[BlockKey] -> float: Mapping blocks to their completion value.
completion_queryset = BlockCompletion.objects.filter(
completions = {block.block_key: block.completion for block in completion_queryset}
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate not in completions:
completions[candidate] = 0.0
return completions
Common functionality to support writing tests around completion.
from . import waffle
class CompletionWaffleTestMixin(object):
Common functionality for completion waffle tests.
def override_waffle_switch(self, override):
Override the setting of the ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING waffle switch
for the course of the test.
override (bool): True if tracking should be enabled.
_waffle_overrider = waffle.waffle().override(waffle.ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING, override)
self.addCleanup(_waffle_overrider.__exit__, None, None, None)
......@@ -16,28 +16,11 @@ from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from .. import handlers
from ..models import BlockCompletion
from .. import waffle
class CompletionHandlerMixin(object):
Common functionality for completion handler tests.
def override_waffle_switch(self, override):
Override the setting of the ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING waffle switch
for the course of the test.
override (bool): True if tracking should be enabled.
_waffle_overrider = waffle.waffle().override(waffle.ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING, override)
self.addCleanup(_waffle_overrider.__exit__, None, None, None)
from ..test_utils import CompletionWaffleTestMixin
class ScorableCompletionHandlerTestCase(CompletionHandlerMixin, TestCase):
class ScorableCompletionHandlerTestCase(CompletionWaffleTestMixin, TestCase):
Test the signal handler
......@@ -89,7 +72,7 @@ class ScorableCompletionHandlerTestCase(CompletionHandlerMixin, TestCase):
class DisabledCompletionHandlerTestCase(CompletionHandlerMixin, TestCase):
class DisabledCompletionHandlerTestCase(CompletionWaffleTestMixin, TestCase):
Test that disabling the ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING waffle switch prevents
the signal handler from submitting a completion.
Tests of completion xblock runtime services
import ddt
from django.test import TestCase
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey, UsageKey
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory
from ..models import BlockCompletion
from ..services import CompletionService
from ..test_utils import CompletionWaffleTestMixin
class CompletionServiceTestCase(CompletionWaffleTestMixin, TestCase):
Test the data returned by the CompletionService.
def setUp(self):
super(CompletionServiceTestCase, self).setUp()
self.user = UserFactory.create()
self.other_user = UserFactory.create()
self.course_key = CourseKey.from_string("edX/MOOC101/2049_T2")
self.other_course_key = CourseKey.from_string("course-v1:ReedX+Hum110+1904")
self.block_keys = [UsageKey.from_string("i4x://edX/MOOC101/video/{}".format(number)) for number in xrange(5)]
self.completion_service = CompletionService(self.user, self.course_key)
# Proper completions for the given runtime
for idx, block_key in enumerate(self.block_keys[0:3]):
completion=1.0 - (0.2 * idx),
# Wrong user
for idx, block_key in enumerate(self.block_keys[2:]):
completion=0.9 - (0.2 * idx),
# Wrong course
def test_completion_service(self):
# Only the completions for the user and course specified for the CompletionService
# are returned. Values are returned for all keys provided.
self.block_keys[0]: 1.0,
self.block_keys[1]: 0.8,
self.block_keys[2]: 0.6,
self.block_keys[3]: 0.0,
self.block_keys[4]: 0.0,
@ddt.data(True, False)
def test_enabled_honors_waffle_switch(self, enabled):
self.assertEqual(self.completion_service.completion_tracking_enabled(), enabled)
......@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ from openedx.core.djangoapps.waffle_utils import WaffleSwitchNamespace
WAFFLE_NAMESPACE = 'completion'
# Switches
# Full name: completion.enable_completion_tracking
# Indicates whether or not to track completion of individual blocks. Keeping
# this disabled will prevent creation of BlockCompletion objects in the
# database, as well as preventing completion-related network access by certain
# xblocks.
ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING = 'enable_completion_tracking'
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from badges.service import BadgingService
from badges.utils import badges_enabled
from lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock.models import XBlockAsidesConfig
from lms.djangoapps.completion.services import CompletionService
from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.course_tag import api as user_course_tag_api
from openedx.core.lib.url_utils import quote_slashes
from openedx.core.lib.xblock_utils import xblock_local_resource_url
......@@ -133,15 +134,17 @@ class LmsModuleSystem(ModuleSystem): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
request_cache_dict = RequestCache.get_request_cache().data
store = modulestore()
services = kwargs.setdefault('services', {})
services['completion'] = CompletionService(user=kwargs.get('user'), course_key=kwargs.get('course_id'))
services['fs'] = xblock.reference.plugins.FSService()
services['i18n'] = ModuleI18nService
services['library_tools'] = LibraryToolsService(modulestore())
services['library_tools'] = LibraryToolsService(store)
services['partitions'] = PartitionService(
store = modulestore()
services['settings'] = SettingsService()
services['user_tags'] = UserTagsService(self)
if badges_enabled():
......@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@
<div class="vert-mod">
% for idx, item in enumerate(items):
<div class="vert vert-${idx}" data-id="${item['id']}">
<div class="vert vert-${idx}" data-id="${item['id']}" \
% if item['id'] in watched_completable_blocks:
data-completable-by-viewing \
% endif
% endfor
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ py2neo==3.1.2
# Support for plugins
# Redis version
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