Commit c1676ba1 by Reda Lemeden

Merge with Head

parents 21d8f47a d0cd1f5e
......@@ -65,6 +65,17 @@ e-mail addresses).</p>
<p> You do not have to do anything. You can simply stop working on the
course at any time you choose to do so.</p>
<h2>What happens if I drop the course?</h2>
<p> For the prototype course, learners achieving grades of "A," "B,"
or "C" will receive an electronic Certificate of completion with the
learner's name and grade on it. If you receive a grade below a "C" or
do not complete the course, you will not receive a Certificate and no
grade record attaching your name to your participation in the class
will be disclosed outside of MITx. You can also choose to opt for a
no record at any time. However, the posts you make while enrolled in
the class will remain visible. </p>
What is <i>MITx</i>?</h2>
......@@ -78,9 +78,7 @@ intent of misleading others.
<li>You, furthermore, agree not to scrape, or otherwise download in
bulk, user-contributed content, a list or directory of users on the
system, or other material including but not limited to on-line
textbooks, User Postings, or user information. You agree not to store
more than 5 pages of the electronic textbook or 5 forum posts in any
permanent medium (hard drive, optical disk, etc., flash drive, etc.).
textbooks, User Postings, or user information.
<lu>You agree to not misrepresent or attempt to misrepresent your
identity while using the Sites (although you are welcome and
encouraged to use an anonymous username in the forums).
......@@ -302,6 +300,6 @@ consent to the personal jurisdiction of and exclusive venue in the
federal and state courts located in and serving Boston, Massachusetts
as the legal forum for any such dispute.</p>
<p><strong>Effective Date:</strong> February 10, 2012</p><div>
<p><strong>Effective Date:</strong> February 20, 2012</p><div>
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