Commit c1447955 by David Ormsbee

Re-enable a couple of analytics on the dashboard to test layout

parent d0bff1ed
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import logging
import os
import re
import requests
from requests.status_codes import codes
import urllib
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
......@@ -612,40 +613,46 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
# use instead: json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students enrolled in this course
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsEnrolled&course_id=%s" % course_id)
if req.content != 'None':
students_enrolled_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students active in the past 7 days (including current day), i.e. with at least one activity for the period
#req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s" % (course_id,)) # default is active past 7 days
if req.content != 'None':
students_active_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
res = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL +
"get?aname=StudentsEnrolled&course_id=%s" % course_id)
if res.status_code == codes.OK:
students_enrolled_json = json.loads(res.content,
students_enrolled_json = None
# # number of students active in the past 7 days (including current day), i.e. with at least one activity for the period
# #req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
# req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s" % (course_id,)) # default is active past 7 days
# if req.content != 'None':
# students_active_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students per problem who have problem graded correct
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
if req.content != 'None':
students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students per problem who have problem graded correct <<< THIS IS FOR ACTIVE STUDENTS
# req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
# if req.content != 'None':
# students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# grade distribution for the course +++ this is not the desired distribution +++
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=OverallGradeDistribution&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
if req.content != 'None':
overall_grade_distribution = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students distribution drop off per day
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsDropoffPerDay&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
if req.content != 'None':
dropoff_per_day = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students per problem who attempted this problem at least once
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsAttemptedProblems&course_id=%s" % course_id)
if req.content != 'None':
attempted_problems = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
res = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
if res.status_code == codes.OK:
students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(res.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
students_per_problem_correct_json = None
# # number of students per problem who have problem graded correct <<< THIS IS FOR ACTIVE STUDENTS
# # req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
# # if req.content != 'None':
# # students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# # grade distribution for the course +++ this is not the desired distribution +++
# req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=OverallGradeDistribution&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
# if req.content != 'None':
# overall_grade_distribution = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# # number of students distribution drop off per day
# req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsDropoffPerDay&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
# if req.content != 'None':
# dropoff_per_day = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# # number of students per problem who attempted this problem at least once
# req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsAttemptedProblems&course_id=%s" % course_id)
# if req.content != 'None':
# attempted_problems = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students active in the past 7 days (including current day) --- online version! experimental
......@@ -684,12 +691,13 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
# The following are specific analytics metrics that should be
# put in their own space...
'students_enrolled_json' : students_enrolled_json,
'students_active_json' : students_active_json,
'daily_activity_json' : daily_activity_json,
# 'students_active_json' : students_active_json,
# 'daily_activity_json' : daily_activity_json,
'students_per_problem_correct_json' : students_per_problem_correct_json,
'overall_grade_distribution' : overall_grade_distribution,
'dropoff_per_day' : dropoff_per_day,
'attempted_problems' : attempted_problems,
# 'overall_grade_distribution' : overall_grade_distribution,
# 'dropoff_per_day' : dropoff_per_day,
# 'attempted_problems' : attempted_problems
return render_to_response('courseware/instructor_dashboard.html', context)
......@@ -372,6 +372,33 @@ function goto( mode)
%if modeflag.get('Analytics'):
Students enrolled:
% if students_enrolled_json and "data" in students_enrolled_json:
<!-- ${students_enrolled_json['time']} -->
% endif
<p>Number of students per problem who have this problem graded as correct, as of ${students_per_problem_correct_json['time']}</p>
% if students_per_problem_correct_json and "data" in students_per_problem_correct_json:
<div class="divScroll">
<table class="stat_table">
<tr><th>Problem</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
% for row in students_per_problem_correct_json['data']:
<tr> <td>${row['module_id']}</td> <td>${row['count']}</td> </tr>
% endfor
% endif
%if modeflag.get('Analytics 2'):
Number of students enrolled for ${students_enrolled_json['data'][0]['course_id']}:
% if students_enrolled_json is not None:
% if students_enrolled_json['status'] == 'success':
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0% or
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