Commit c08d43b1 by Alison Hodges

Merge pull request #4813 from edx/markhoeber-documentation-doc829

Publishing Update Round Two
parents afd0d9c3 f816cc8b
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ August, 2014
* - Date
- Change
* - 08/27/14
- Updated documentation in :ref:`Developing Your Course Index`
for new capabilities to publish or hide multiple units
from the outline.
* - 08/22/14
- Added warnings about the effects of changing the course grading policy,
graded subsections, or graded components after the course begins.
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ See:
Unit Publishing Status
You publish units to make them visible to students. Students see the last
You publish units to make them visible to students. Students see the last
published version of a unit if the section and subsection it is in are
......@@ -56,15 +56,40 @@ experience.
For more information, see :ref:`Unit Publishing Status`.
You can publish all changes in a section or subsection at once, or publish
changes to individual units. See:
* :ref:`Publish all Units in a Section`
* :ref:`Publish all Units in a Subsection`
* :ref:`Publish a Unit`
.. _Content Hidden from Students:
Content Hidden from Students
You can :ref:`hide any unit from students<Hide a Unit from Students>`,
regardless of the parent section and subsection's release dates.
You can hide content from students. Such content is never visible to students,
regardless of the release and publishing status.
You might hide a unit from students, for example, when that unit contains an
answer to a problem in that subsection. After the problem due date, you could
make the unit with the answer visible.
\ No newline at end of file
answer to a problem in another unit of that subsection. After the problem's due
date, you could make the unit with the answer visible.
You could also hide a unit from students if you wanted to use that unit to
provide instructions or guidance meant only for course staff. Only course staff
would see that unit in the course.
You can hide content at different levels:
* :ref:`Sections<Hide a Section from Students>`
* :ref:`Subsections<Hide a Subsection from Students>`
* :ref:`Units<Hide a Unit from Students>`
.. warning::
When you make a previously hidden section or subsection visible to students,
not all content in the section or subsection is necessarily made visible to
students. If you also explicitly set a child subsection or unit to be hidden
from students, it remains hidden from students. Unpublished units remain
unpublished, and changes to published units remain unpublished.
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ the course outline:
* `View the Course Organization as a Student`_
* `Navigate the Course Outline`_
* `Add Content in the Course Outline`_
* `Modify Settings for Objects in the Course Outline`_
* `Publish Content from the Course Outline`_
* `Reorganize the Course Outline`_
* `Delete Content in the Course Outline`_
......@@ -127,6 +129,60 @@ Unit**:
The :ref:`unit<Developing Course Units>` page opens.
.. _Modify Settings for Objects in the Course Outline:
Modify Settings for Objects in the Course Outline
You modify settings for sections, subsections, and units in the course outline.
Specifically, you can complete the following tasks:
* :ref:`Set a Section Release Date`
* :ref:`Hide a Section from Students`
* :ref:`Set a Subsection Release Date`
* :ref:`Set the Assignment Type and Due Date for a Subsection`
* :ref:`Hide a Subsection from Students`
* :ref:`Hide a Unit from Students`
To modify settings for a section, subsection, or unit, click the settings icon
for that object. In the following example, the settings icon is circled for a
section, a subsection, and two units:
.. image:: ../Images/settings-icons.png
:alt: Settings icons in the course outline
For more information, see the links above.
.. _Publish Content from the Course Outline:
Publish Content from the Course Outline
You can publish new and changed units for an entire section or subsection. You
can also publish individual units.
To publish new and changed units, click the publish icon for a section,
subsection, or unit. In the following example, the publish icon is circled for
a section, subsection, and unit:
.. image:: ../Images/outline-publish-icons.png
:alt: Publishing icons in the course outline
.. note::
The publish icon only appears when there is new or changed content within the
For more information, see:
* :ref:`Unit Publishing Status`
* :ref:`Publish all Units in a Section`
* :ref:`Publish all Units in a Subsection`
* :ref:`Publish a Unit`
.. _Reorganize the Course Outline:
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Section tasks:
* `Create a Section`_
* `Change a Section Name`_
* `Set a Section Release Date`_
* `Publish all Units in a Section`_
* `Hide a Section from Students`_
* `Delete a Section`_
......@@ -224,13 +226,70 @@ To set the section release date:
#. Enter the release date and time for the section:
.. image:: ../Images/section-settings.png
.. image:: ../Images/section-settings-release-date.png
:alt: The section release date settings
#. Click **Save**.
For more information, see :ref:`Release Dates`.
.. _Publish all Units in a Section:
Publish all Units in a Section
To publish all new and changed units in a section, click the publish icon in
the box for the section:
.. image:: ../Images/outline-publish-icon-section.png
:alt: Publishing icon for a section
.. note::
The publish icon only appears when there is new or changed content within the
See :ref:`Unit Publishing Status` for information about statuses and visibility
to students.
.. _Hide a Section from Students:
Hide a Section from Students
You can hide all content in a section from students, regardless of the status
of subsections and units within the section.
To hide a section from students:
#. Click the Settings icon in the section box:
.. image:: ../Images/section-settings-box.png
:alt: The section settings icon circled
The **Settings** dialog box opens.
#. Check **Hide from students**.
.. image:: ../Images/section-settings-hide.png
:alt: The section hide from students setting
#. Click **Save**.
Now, no content in the section is visible to students.
To make the section visible to students, repeat these steps and clear the
**Hide from students** checkbox.
.. warning::
When you clear the **Hide from students** checkbox for a section, not all
content in the section is necessarily made visible to students. If you
explicitly set a subsection or unit to be hidden from students, it remains
hidden from students. Unpublished units remain unpublished, and changes to
published units remain unpublished.
Delete a Section
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Subsection tasks:
* `Change a Subsection Name`_
* `Set a Subsection Release Date`_
* `Set the Assignment Type and Due Date for a Subsection`_
* `Publish all Units in a Subsection`_
* `Hide a Subsection from Students`_
* `Delete a Subsection`_
......@@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ To set the subsection release date:
#. Enter the release date and time for the section:
.. image:: ../Images/subsection-settings.png
.. image:: ../Images/subsection-settings-release.png
:alt: The subsection release date settings
#. Click **Save**.
......@@ -279,6 +281,62 @@ To set the assignment type and due date for a subsection:
For more information, see :ref:`Establish a Grading Policy`.
.. _Publish all Units in a Subsection:
Publish all Units in a Subsection
To publish all new and changed units in a subsection, click the publish icon in
the box for the subsection:
.. image:: ../Images/outline-publish-icon-subsection.png
:alt: Publishing icon for a subsection
.. note::
The publish icon only appears when there is new or changed content within the
See :ref:`Unit Publishing Status` for information about statuses and visibility
to students.
.. _Hide a Subsection from Students:
Hide a Subsection from Students
You can hide all content in a subsection from students, regardless of the
status of units within the section.
To hide a subsection from students:
#. Click the Settings icon in the subsection box:
.. image:: ../Images/subsections-settings-icon.png
:alt: The subsection settings icon circled
The **Settings** dialog box opens.
#. Check **Hide from students**.
.. image:: ../Images/subsection-settings-hidden.png
:alt: The subsection hide from students setting
#. Click **Save**.
Now, no content in the subsection is visible to students.
To make the subection visible to students, repeat these steps and clear the
**Hide from students** checkbox.
.. warning::
When you clear the **Hide from students** checkbox for a subsection, not all
content in the subsection is necessarily made visible to students. If you
explicitly set a unit to be hidden from students, it remains hidden from
students. Unpublished units remain unpublished, and changes to published units
remain unpublished.
.. _Delete a Subsection:
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ To a student using the edX Learning Management System, each unit in the
subsection appears as a link on the course ribbon at the top of the page. The
active unit is open beneath the course ribbon.
The following image shows a subsection that has seven units, which are circled
The following image shows a subsection that has five units, which are circled
in the ribbon above the video, with the first unit open:
.. image:: ../Images/Units_LMS.png
......@@ -144,16 +144,16 @@ Unit Publishing Status
As an course author, you work with units with the following statuses:
* `Draft (Never Published)`_
* `Draft (Never published)`_
* `Published and Live`_
* `Published Not Yet Released`_
* `Draft (Unpublished Changes)`_
* `Published (not yet released)`_
* `Draft (Unpublished changes)`_
* `Visible to Staff Only`_
.. _Draft (Never Published):
Draft (Never Published)
Draft (Never published)
When you create a new unit and add components to it, the unit's publishing
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ current version of the unit.
.. _Published Not Yet Released:
Published Not Yet Released
Published (not yet released)
You've published the unit, but the release date hasn't passed. Students cannot
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ see this unit until the release date passes.
.. _Draft (Unpublished Changes):
Draft (Unpublished Changes)
Draft (Unpublished changes)
When you edit a published unit, whether or not it is released, the unit's
......@@ -228,6 +228,10 @@ Visible to Staff Only
When you :ref:`hide a unit from students<Hide a Unit from Students>`, the
unit's publishing status changes to **Visible to Staff Only**.
The publishing status of a unit can be **Visible to Staff Only** if you hid the
parent :ref:`section<Hide a Section from Students>` or :ref:`subsection<Hide a
Subsection from Students>` from students.
Students never see a unit with this status, even if it has been published and
the release date has passed.
......@@ -361,12 +365,32 @@ You publish a unit that has a status of `Draft (Never Published)`_ or `Draft
(Unpublished Changes)`_. When you publish a unit, the status changes to
`Published and Live`_ or `Published Not Yet Released`_.
You can publish a unit from the unit page or the course outline.
Use the Unit Page to Publish a Unit
To publish the unit, click **Publish** in the status panel:
.. image:: ../Images/unit-publish-button.png
:alt: Unit status panel with Publish button circled
Use the Outline to Publish a Unit
To publish a unit from the outline, click the publish icon in the box for the
.. image:: ../Images/outline-publish-icon-unit.png
:alt: Publishing icon for a unit
.. note::
The publish icon only appears when there is new or changed content in the
.. _Discard Changes to a Unit:
......@@ -419,9 +443,17 @@ Hide a Unit from Students
You can prevent students from seeing a unit regardless of the unit status or
the release schedules of the section and subsection.
the release schedules of the section and subsection.
For more information, see :ref:`Controlling Content Visibility`.
You can hide a unit from students using the course outline or the unit page.
To do this, select the **Hide from students** checkbox in the status panel:
Use the Unit Page to Hide a Unit
Select the **Hide from students** checkbox in the status panel:
.. image:: ../Images/unit-hide.png
:alt: Unit status panel with Hide from Students checked
......@@ -429,19 +461,44 @@ To do this, select the **Hide from students** checkbox in the status panel:
For more information, see :ref:`Controlling Content Visibility`.
Use the Outline to Hide a Unit
#. Click the Settings icon in the unit box:
.. image:: ../Images/outline-unit-settings.png
:alt: The unit settings icon circled
The **Settings** dialog box opens.
#. Check **Hide from students**.
.. image:: ../Images/outline-unit-settings-dialog.png
:alt: The unit hide from students setting
#. Click **Save**.
Make a Hidden Unit Visible to Students
To make a hidden unit visible to students, clear the **Hide from students**
Before you make a hidden unit visible to students, be aware that course content
will immediately be visible to students, as follows:
* For a hidden unit that previously was published, clearing the check box
publishes the current content for the unit. If you made changes to the unit
while is was hidden, those draft changes are published.
* When you make a section or subsection that was previously hidden visible to
students, draft content in units is *not* published. Changes you made since
last publishing units are not made visible to students.
You can make a hidden unit visible to students from the unit page or the course
outline. Follow the instructions above and clear the **Hide from students**
You are prompted to confirm that you want to make the unit visible to students.
.. caution::
When you make a hidden unit that was previously published visible to
students, the current content in the unit is published. Any changes you made
to the unit when it was hidden from students will now be visible to students.
Delete a Unit
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