Commit c0581f8c by ichuang

fix subject in activation email - now uses course_title

parent 200e188c
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if 'eecs1' in socket.gethostname():
# edx4edx content server
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
#EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend'
Someone, hopefully you, signed up for an account for MITx's on-line
Someone, hopefully you, signed up for an account for edX's on-line
offering of "${ course_title}" using this email address. If it was
you, and you'd like to activate and use your account, copy and paste
this address into your web browser's address bar:
Your account for MITx's on-line 6.002
Your account for edX's on-line ${course_title} course
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