Commit c0568913 by Calen Pennington

Make course ids and usage ids opaque to LMS and Studio [partial commit]

This commit adds base classes for CourseKeys and UsageKeys,
and Location and SlashSeparatedCourseKey implementations of both.

These keys are now objects with a limited interface, and the particular
internal representation is managed by the data storage layer (the

For the LMS, there should be no outward-facing changes to the system.
The keys are, for now, a change to internal representation only. For
Studio, the new serialized form of the keys is used in urls, to allow
for further migration in the future.

Co-Author: Andy Armstrong <>
Co-Author: Christina Roberts <>
Co-Author: David Baumgold <>
Co-Author: Diana Huang <>
Co-Author: Don Mitchell <>
Co-Author: Julia Hansbrough <>
Co-Author: Nimisha Asthagiri <>
Co-Author: Sarina Canelake <>

parent 7852906c
OpaqueKey abstract classes for edx-platform object types (courses, definitions, usages, and assets).
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from opaque_keys import OpaqueKey
from xblock.runtime import IdReader
class CourseKey(OpaqueKey):
An :class:`opaque_keys.OpaqueKey` identifying a particular Course object.
KEY_TYPE = 'course_key'
__slots__ = ()
def org(self):
The organization that this course belongs to.
raise NotImplementedError()
def offering(self):
The offering identifier for this course.
This is complement of the org; in old-style IDs, "course/run"
raise NotImplementedError()
def make_usage_key(self, block_type, block_id):
Return a usage key, given the given the specified block_type and block_id.
This function should not actually create any new ids, but should simply
return one that already exists.
raise NotImplementedError()
def make_asset_key(self, asset_type, path):
Return an asset key, given the given the specified path.
This function should not actually create any new ids, but should simply
return one that already exists.
raise NotImplementedError()
class DefinitionKey(OpaqueKey):
An :class:`opaque_keys.OpaqueKey` identifying an XBlock definition.
KEY_TYPE = 'definition_key'
__slots__ = ()
def block_type(self):
The XBlock type of this definition.
raise NotImplementedError()
class CourseObjectMixin(object):
An abstract :class:`opaque_keys.OpaqueKey` mixin
for keys that belong to courses.
__slots__ = ()
def course_key(self):
Return the :class:`CourseKey` for the course containing this usage.
raise NotImplementedError()
def map_into_course(self, course_key):
Return a new :class:`UsageKey` or :class:`AssetKey` representing this usage inside the
course identified by the supplied :class:`CourseKey`. It returns the same type as
course_key (:class:`CourseKey`): The course to map this object into.
A new :class:`CourseObjectMixin` instance.
raise NotImplementedError()
class AssetKey(CourseObjectMixin, OpaqueKey):
An :class:`opaque_keys.OpaqueKey` identifying a course asset.
KEY_TYPE = 'asset_key'
__slots__ = ()
def path(self):
Return the path for this asset.
raise NotImplementedError()
class UsageKey(CourseObjectMixin, OpaqueKey):
An :class:`opaque_keys.OpaqueKey` identifying an XBlock usage.
KEY_TYPE = 'usage_key'
__slots__ = ()
def definition_key(self):
Return the :class:`DefinitionKey` for the XBlock containing this usage.
raise NotImplementedError()
class OpaqueKeyReader(IdReader):
IdReader for :class:`DefinitionKey` and :class:`UsageKey`s.
def get_definition_id(self, usage_id):
"""Retrieve the definition that a usage is derived from.
usage_id: The id of the usage to query
The `definition_id` the usage is derived from
return usage_id.definition_key
def get_block_type(self, def_id):
"""Retrieve the block_type of a particular definition
def_id: The id of the definition to query
The `block_type` of the definition
return def_id.block_type
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