Commit bf8b3455 by cahrens

Remove flaky decorator.

Increased number of retries, as it is expected that sometimes
a seed will be reused. TNL-6041
parent a637121d
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import textwrap
import unittest
import ddt
import flaky
from lxml import etree
from mock import Mock, patch, DEFAULT
import webob
......@@ -1412,7 +1411,6 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
@flaky.flaky # TNL-6041
def test_random_seed_with_reset(self, rerandomize):
Run the test for each possible rerandomize value
......@@ -1470,13 +1468,13 @@ class CapaModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
# to another valid seed
# Since there's a small chance we might get the
# same seed again, give it 5 chances
# Since there's a small chance (expected) we might get the
# same seed again, give it 10 chances
# to generate a different seed
success = _retry_and_check(5, lambda: _reset_and_get_seed(module) != seed)
success = _retry_and_check(10, lambda: _reset_and_get_seed(module) != seed)
msg = 'Could not get a new seed from reset after 5 tries'
msg = 'Could not get a new seed from reset after 10 tries'
self.assertTrue(success, msg)
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