Commit bee25f3b by Kevin Chugh

fix git mangle take 3

parent 9d57f0a9
......@@ -150,12 +150,6 @@ if Backbone?
comment_count: ->
count = 0
@get('comments').each (comment) ->
count += comment.getCommentsCount() + 1
class @Comments extends Backbone: ->
if @has("highlighted_title")
String(@get("highlighted_title")).replace(/<highlight>/g, '<mark>').replace(/<\/highlight>/g, '</mark>')
......@@ -171,7 +165,6 @@ if Backbone?
created_at_time: ->
new Date(@get("created_at")).getTime()
class @Comment extends @Content
......@@ -185,8 +178,6 @@ if Backbone?
'flagAbuse' : -> DiscussionUtil.urlFor("flagAbuse_#{@get('type')}", @id)
'unFlagAbuse' : -> DiscussionUtil.urlFor("unFlagAbuse_#{@get('type')}", @id)
getCommentsCount: ->
count = 0
@get('comments').each (comment) ->
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