Commit becffd4d by Diana Huang

Updated html and javascript for new pages as well

as a fix for the peer grading service
parent c0001597
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class PeerGradingService(GradingService):
return response
_service = None
def peer_grading_service():
Return a peer grading service instance--if settings.MOCK_PEER_GRADING is True,
......@@ -18,14 +18,27 @@ class PeerGradingProblemBackend
success: true
calibrated: false
else if cmd == 'show_calibration_essay'
#response =
# success: false
# error: "There was an error"
response =
success: true
submission_id: 1
submission_key: 'abcd'
student_response: 'I am a fake response'
student_response: 'I am a fake calibration response'
prompt: 'Answer this question'
rubric: 'This is a rubric.'
max_score: 4
else if cmd == 'get_next_submission'
response =
success: true
submission_id: 1
submission_key: 'abcd'
student_response: 'I am a fake student response'
prompt: 'Answer this question'
rubric: 'This is a rubric.'
max_score: 4
return response
......@@ -48,35 +61,51 @@ class PeerGradingProblem
@submission_container = $('.submission-container')
@prompt_container = $('.prompt-container')
@rubric_container = $('.rubric-container')
@instructions_panel = $('.instructions-panel')
@content_panel = $('.content-panel')
@error_container = $('.error-container')
@submission_key_input = $("input[name='submission-key']")
@essay_id_input = $("input[name='essay-id']")
@score_selection_container = $('.score-selection-container')
@score = null
@submit_button = $('.submit-button')
@action_button = $('.action-button') -> document.location.reload(true)
# Ajax calls to the backend
is_calibrated_check: () =>'is_student_calibrated', {}, @calibration_check_callback)'is_student_calibrated', {location: @location}, @calibration_check_callback)
fetch_calibration_essay: ()=>
fetch_calibration_essay: () =>'show_calibration_essay', {location: @location}, @render_calibration)
render_calibration: (response) =>
if response.success
#TODO: fill this in
@submission_container.html("<h3>Calibration Essay</h3>")
fetch_submission_essay: () =>'get_next_submission', {location: @location}, @render_submission)
submit_calibration_essay: ()->
#TODO: onclick of the submit button. submits the calibration essay grade
render_submission: (response) ->
#TODO: fill this in
submit_grade: () ->
#TODO: onclick of the submit button. submits the grade
# Callbacks for various events
calibration_check_callback: (response) =>
if response.success
# check whether or not we're still calibrating
......@@ -86,6 +115,89 @@ class PeerGradingProblem
@calibration = true
else if response.error
@render_error("Error contacting the grading service")
submission_callback: (response) =>
if response.success
if response.error
@render_error("Error occurred while submitting grade")
graded_callback: (event) =>
@score =
# Rendering methods and helpers
render_calibration: (response) =>
if response.success
# load in all the data
@submission_container.html("<h3>Calibration Essay</h3>")
# TODO: indicate that we're in calibration mode
if response.error
@render_error("An error occurred while contacting the grading server")
render_submission_data: (response) =>
render_submission: (response) =>
#TODO: fill this in
render_error: (error_message) =>
show_submit_button: () =>
setup_score_selection: (max_score) =>
# first, get rid of all the old inputs, if any.
@score_selection_container.html('Choose score: ')
# Now create new labels and inputs for each possible score.
for score in [0..max_score]
id = 'score-' + score
label = """<label for="#{id}">#{score}</label>"""
input = """
<input type="radio" name="score-selection" id="#{id}" value="#{score}"/>
""" # " fix broken parsing in emacs
@score_selection_container.append(input + label)
# And now hook up an event handler again
$("input[name='score-selection']").change @graded_callback
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
<div class="error-container"></div>
<div class="message-container"></div>
<section class="content-panel">
<div class="instructions-panel">
<div class="calibration-panel">
......@@ -68,7 +69,10 @@
<input type="button" value="Submit" class="submit-button" name="show"/>
<input type="button" value="Reload page" class="action-button" name="reload" />
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