Commit be6c57f5 by Ned Batchelder

Mark XModule strings for i18n

parent c7cf0c6d
......@@ -160,7 +160,10 @@ class @Annotatable
@hideTips visible
toggleAnnotationButtonText: (hide) ->
buttonText = (if hide then 'Show' else 'Hide')+' Annotations'
if hide
buttonText = gettext('Show Annotations')
buttonText = gettext('Hide Annotations')
toggleInstructions: () ->
......@@ -169,7 +172,10 @@ class @Annotatable
@toggleInstructionsText hide
toggleInstructionsButton: (hide) ->
txt = (if hide then 'Expand' else 'Collapse')+' Instructions'
if hide
txt = gettext('Expand Instructions')
txt = gettext('Collapse Instructions')
cls = (if hide then ['expanded', 'collapsed'] else ['collapsed','expanded'])
......@@ -221,13 +227,14 @@ class @Annotatable
makeTipTitle: (el) ->
(api) =>
title = $(el).data('comment-title')
(if title then title else 'Commentary')
(if title then title else gettext('Commentary'))
createComment: (text) ->
$("<div class=\"annotatable-comment\">#{text}</div>")
createReplyLink: (problem_id) ->
$("<a class=\"annotatable-reply\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" data-problem-id=\"#{problem_id}\">Reply to Annotation</a>")
linktxt = gettext('Reply to Annotation')
$("<a class=\"annotatable-reply\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" data-problem-id=\"#{problem_id}\">#{linktxt}</a>")
findVisibleTips: () ->
visible = []
......@@ -318,14 +318,16 @@ class @Problem
@el.find('.problem > div').each (index, element) =>
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, element]
@$('.show-label').text 'Hide Answer(s)'
`// Translators: the word Answer here refers to the answer to a problem the student must solve.`
@$('.show-label').text gettext('Hide Answer(s)')
@el.addClass 'showed'
@updateProgress response
@$('[id^=answer_], [id^=solution_]').text ''
@$('[correct_answer]').attr correct_answer: null
@el.removeClass 'showed'
@$('.show-label').text 'Show Answer(s)'
`// Translators: the word Answer here refers to the answer to a problem the student must solve.`
@$('.show-label').text gettext('Show Answer(s)')
@el.find(".capa_inputtype").each (index, inputtype) =>
display = @inputtypeDisplays[$(inputtype).attr('id')]
......@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ class @Problem
formulaequationinput: (element) ->
$(element).find('input').on 'input', ->
$p = $(element).find('p.status')
`// Translators: the word Answer here is about answering a problem the student must solve.`
$p.text gettext("unanswered")
$p.parent().removeClass().addClass "unanswered"
......@@ -431,7 +434,8 @@ class @Problem
textline: (element) ->
$(element).find('input').on 'input', ->
$p = $(element).find('p.status')
$p.text "unanswered"
`// Translators: the word Answer here is about answering a problem the student must solve.`
$p.text gettext("unanswered")
$p.parent().removeClass().addClass "unanswered"
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