Commit be369938 by Rocky Duan

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 2b89a82a 703c7a95
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import responsetypes
# dict of tagname, Response Class -- this should come from auto-registering
response_tag_dict = dict([(x.response_tag,x) for x in responsetypes.__all__])
entry_types = ['textline', 'schematic', 'choicegroup', 'textbox', 'imageinput', 'optioninput']
entry_types = ['textline', 'schematic', 'textbox', 'imageinput', 'optioninput', 'choicegroup', 'radiogroup', 'checkboxgroup']
solution_types = ['solution'] # extra things displayed after "show answers" is pressed
response_properties = ["responseparam", "answer"] # these get captured as student responses
......@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
# the dict has keys = xml subtree of Response, values = Response instance
if not self.student_answers: # True when student_answers is an empty dict
def do_reset(self):
Reset internal state to unfinished, with no answers
......@@ -126,6 +129,14 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
self.correct_map = CorrectMap()
self.done = False
def set_initial_display(self):
initial_answers = dict()
for responder in self.responders.values():
if hasattr(responder,'get_initial_display'):
self.student_answers = initial_answers
def __unicode__(self):
return u"LoncapaProblem ({0})".format(self.problem_id)
......@@ -180,14 +191,31 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
return {'score': correct,
'total': self.get_max_score()}
def update_score(self, score_msg):
newcmap = CorrectMap()
def update_score(self, score_msg, queuekey):
Deliver grading response (e.g. from async code checking) to
the specific ResponseType that requested grading
Returns an updated CorrectMap
cmap = CorrectMap()
for responder in self.responders.values():
if hasattr(responder,'update_score'): # Is this the best way to implement 'update_score' for CodeResponse?
results = responder.update_score(score_msg)
self.correct_map = newcmap
return newcmap
if hasattr(responder,'update_score'):
# Each LoncapaResponse will update the specific entries of 'cmap' that it's responsible for
cmap = responder.update_score(score_msg, cmap, queuekey)
return cmap
def is_queued(self):
Returns True if any part of the problem has been submitted to an external queue
queued = False
for answer_id in self.correct_map:
if self.correct_map.is_queued(answer_id):
queued = True
return queued
def grade_answers(self, answers):
......@@ -457,7 +485,7 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
self.responder_answers = {}
for response in self.responders.keys():
self.responder_answers[response] = responder.get_answers()
self.responder_answers[response] = self.responders[response].get_answers()
log.debug('responder %s failed to properly return get_answers()' % self.responders[response]) # FIXME
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class CorrectMap(object):
- msg : string (may have HTML) giving extra message response (displayed below textline or textbox)
- hint : string (may have HTML) giving optional hint (displayed below textline or textbox, above msg)
- hintmode : one of (None,'on_request','always') criteria for displaying hint
- queuekey : a random integer for xqueue_callback verification
Behaves as a dict.
......@@ -29,13 +30,14 @@ class CorrectMap(object):
def __iter__(self):
return self.cmap.__iter__()
def set(self, answer_id=None, correctness=None, npoints=None, msg='', hint='', hintmode=None):
def set(self, answer_id=None, correctness=None, npoints=None, msg='', hint='', hintmode=None, queuekey=None):
if answer_id is not None:
self.cmap[answer_id] = {'correctness': correctness,
'npoints': npoints,
'msg': msg,
'hint' : hint,
'hintmode' : hintmode,
'queuekey' : queuekey,
def __repr__(self):
......@@ -63,6 +65,12 @@ class CorrectMap(object):
if answer_id in self.cmap: return self.cmap[answer_id]['correctness'] == 'correct'
return None
def is_queued(self,answer_id):
return answer_id in self.cmap and self.cmap[answer_id]['queuekey'] is not None
def is_right_queuekey(self, answer_id, test_key):
return answer_id in self.cmap and self.cmap[answer_id]['queuekey'] == test_key
def get_npoints(self,answer_id):
if self.is_correct(answer_id):
npoints = self.cmap[answer_id].get('npoints',1) # default to 1 point if correct
......@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ Module containing the problem elements which render into input objects
- textline
- textbox (change this to textarea?)
- schemmatic
- choicegroup (for multiplechoice: checkbox, radio, or select option)
- choicegroup
- radiogroup
- checkboxgroup
- imageinput (for clickable image)
- optioninput (for option list)
......@@ -132,7 +134,8 @@ def optioninput(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
oset = [x[1:-1] for x in list(oset)]
# osetdict = dict([('option_%s_%s' % (eid,x),oset[x]) for x in range(len(oset)) ]) # make dict with IDs
osetdict = dict([(oset[x],oset[x]) for x in range(len(oset)) ]) # make dict with key,value same
osetdict = [(oset[x],oset[x]) for x in range(len(oset)) ] # make ordered list with (key,value) same
# TODO: allow ordering to be randomized
......@@ -145,6 +148,9 @@ def optioninput(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
return etree.XML(html)
# TODO: consolidate choicegroup, radiogroup, checkboxgroup after discussion of
# desired semantics.
def choicegroup(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
......@@ -160,7 +166,7 @@ def choicegroup(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
for choice in element:
if not choice.tag=='choice':
raise Exception("[courseware.capa.inputtypes.choicegroup] Error only <choice> tags should be immediate children of a <choicegroup>, found %s instead" % choice.tag)
......@@ -168,8 +174,66 @@ def choicegroup(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
ctext += ''.join([etree.tostring(x) for x in choice]) # TODO: what if choice[0] has math tags in it?
if choice.text is not None:
ctext += choice.text # TODO: fix order?
choices[choice.get("name")] = ctext
context={'id':eid, 'value':value, 'state':status, 'type':type, 'choices':choices}
context={'id':eid, 'value':value, 'state':status, 'input_type':type, 'choices':choices, 'inline':True, 'name_array_suffix':''}
html = render_template("choicegroup.html", context)
return etree.XML(html)
def extract_choices(element):
Extracts choices for a few input types, such as radiogroup and
TODO: allow order of choices to be randomized, following lon-capa spec. Use "location" attribute,
ie random, top, bottom.
choices = []
for choice in element:
if not choice.tag=='choice':
raise Exception("[courseware.capa.inputtypes.extract_choices] \
Expected a <choice> tag; got %s instead"
% choice.tag)
choice_text = ''.join([etree.tostring(x) for x in choice])
choices.append((choice.get("name"), choice_text))
return choices
# TODO: consolidate choicegroup, radiogroup, checkboxgroup after discussion of
# desired semantics.
def radiogroup(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
Radio button inputs: (multiple choice)
choices = extract_choices(element)
context = { 'id':eid, 'value':value, 'state':status, 'input_type': 'radio', 'choices':choices, 'inline': False, 'name_array_suffix': '[]' }
html = render_template("choicegroup.html", context)
return etree.XML(html)
# TODO: consolidate choicegroup, radiogroup, checkboxgroup after discussion of
# desired semantics.
def checkboxgroup(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
Checkbox inputs: (select one or more choices)
choices = extract_choices(element)
context = { 'id':eid, 'value':value, 'state':status, 'input_type': 'checkbox', 'choices':choices, 'inline': False, 'name_array_suffix': '[]' }
html = render_template("choicegroup.html", context)
return etree.XML(html)
<form class="multiple-choice">
<form class="choicegroup">
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices.items():
<label for="input_${id}_${choice_id}"> <input type="${type}" name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}_${choice_id}" value="${choice_id}"
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
<label for="input_${id}_${choice_id}"> <input type="${input_type}" name="input_${id}${name_array_suffix}" id="input_${id}_${choice_id}" value="${choice_id}"
% if choice_id in value:
% endif
/> ${choice_description} </label>
% if not inline:
% endif
% endfor
<span id="answer_${id}"></span>
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<select name="input_${id}" id="input_${id}" >
<option value="option_${id}_dummy_default"> </option>
% for option_id, option_description in options.items():
% for option_id, option_description in options:
<option value="${option_id}"
% if (option_id==value):
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import numpy
import xmodule
import capa.calc as calc
import capa.capa_problem as lcp
from capa.correctmap import CorrectMap
from xmodule import graders, x_module
from xmodule.graders import Score, aggregate_scores
from xmodule.progress import Progress
......@@ -271,6 +272,86 @@ class StringResponseWithHintTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(cmap.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'incorrect')
self.assertTrue('St. Paul' in cmap.get_hint('1_2_1'))
class CodeResponseTest(unittest.TestCase):
Test CodeResponse
def test_update_score(self):
problem_file = os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/test_files/coderesponse.xml"
test_lcp = lcp.LoncapaProblem(open(problem_file).read(), '1', system=i4xs)
# CodeResponse requires internal CorrectMap state. Build it now in the 'queued' state
old_cmap = CorrectMap()
answer_ids = sorted(test_lcp.get_question_answers().keys())
numAnswers = len(answer_ids)
for i in range(numAnswers):
old_cmap.update(CorrectMap(answer_id=answer_ids[i], queuekey=1000+i))
# Message format inherited from ExternalResponse
correct_score_msg = "<edxgrade><awarddetail>EXACT_ANS</awarddetail><message>MESSAGE</message></edxgrade>"
incorrect_score_msg = "<edxgrade><awarddetail>WRONG_FORMAT</awarddetail><message>MESSAGE</message></edxgrade>"
xserver_msgs = {'correct': correct_score_msg,
'incorrect': incorrect_score_msg,
# Incorrect queuekey, state should not be updated
for correctness in ['correct', 'incorrect']:
test_lcp.correct_map = CorrectMap()
test_lcp.correct_map.update(old_cmap) # Deep copy
test_lcp.update_score(xserver_msgs[correctness], queuekey=0)
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.correct_map.get_dict(), old_cmap.get_dict()) # Deep comparison
for i in range(numAnswers):
self.assertTrue(test_lcp.correct_map.is_queued(answer_ids[i])) # Should be still queued, since message undelivered
# Correct queuekey, state should be updated
for correctness in ['correct', 'incorrect']:
for i in range(numAnswers): # Target specific answer_id's
test_lcp.correct_map = CorrectMap()
new_cmap = CorrectMap()
new_cmap.set(answer_id=answer_ids[i], correctness=correctness, msg='MESSAGE', queuekey=None)
test_lcp.update_score(xserver_msgs[correctness], queuekey=1000+i)
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.correct_map.get_dict(), new_cmap.get_dict())
for j in range(numAnswers):
if j == i:
self.assertFalse(test_lcp.correct_map.is_queued(answer_ids[j])) # Should be dequeued, message delivered
self.assertTrue(test_lcp.correct_map.is_queued(answer_ids[j])) # Should be queued, message undelivered
class ChoiceResponseTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cr_rb_grade(self):
problem_file = os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/test_files/choiceresponse_radio.xml"
test_lcp = lcp.LoncapaProblem(open(problem_file).read(), '1', system=i4xs)
correct_answers = {'1_2_1':'choice_2',
'1_3_1':['choice_2', 'choice_3']}
test_answers = {'1_2_1':'choice_2',
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_3_1'), 'incorrect')
def test_cr_cb_grade(self):
problem_file = os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/test_files/choiceresponse_checkbox.xml"
test_lcp = lcp.LoncapaProblem(open(problem_file).read(), '1', system=i4xs)
correct_answers = {'1_2_1':'choice_2',
'1_3_1':['choice_2', 'choice_3'],
'1_4_1':['choice_2', 'choice_3']}
test_answers = {'1_2_1':'choice_2',
'1_4_1':['choice_2', 'choice_3'],
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_3_1'), 'incorrect')
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers).get_correctness('1_4_1'), 'correct')
# Grading tests
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil One.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Two.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Three.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Four.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Five.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil One.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Two.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Three.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Four.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Five.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil One.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Two.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Three.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Four.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Five.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil One.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Two.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Three.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Four.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Five.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil One.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Two.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Three.<endouttext />
<choice correct="true">
<startouttext />This is foil Four.<endouttext />
<choice correct="false">
<startouttext />This is foil Five.<endouttext />
<h2>Code response</h2>
Write a program to compute the square of a number
<coderesponse tests="repeat:2,generate">
<textbox rows="10" cols="70" mode="python"/>
initial_display = """
def square(n):
answer = """
def square(n):
return n**2
preamble = """
import sys, time
test_program = """
import random
import operator
def testSquare(n = None):
if n is None:
n = random.randint(2, 20)
print 'Test is: square(%d)'%n
return str(square(n))
def main():
f = os.fdopen(3,'w')
test = int(sys.argv[1])
rndlist = map(int,os.getenv('rndlist').split(','))
if test == 1: f.write(testSquare(0))
elif test == 2: f.write(testSquare(1))
else: f.write(testSquare())
Write a program to compute the cube of a number
<coderesponse tests="repeat:2,generate">
<textbox rows="10" cols="70" mode="python"/>
initial_display = """
def cube(n):
answer = """
def cube(n):
return n**3
preamble = """
import sys, time
test_program = """
import random
import operator
def testCube(n = None):
if n is None:
n = random.randint(2, 20)
print 'Test is: cube(%d)'%n
return str(cube(n))
def main():
f = os.fdopen(3,'w')
test = int(sys.argv[1])
rndlist = map(int,os.getenv('rndlist').split(','))
if test == 1: f.write(testCube(0))
elif test == 2: f.write(testCube(1))
else: f.write(testCube())
......@@ -323,8 +323,18 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
raise self.system.exception404
def update_score(self, get):
Delivers grading response (e.g. from asynchronous code checking) to
the capa problem, so its score can be updated
'get' must have a field 'response' which is a string that contains the
grader's response
No ajax return is needed. Return empty dict.
queuekey = get['queuekey']
score_msg = get['response']
self.lcp.update_score(score_msg, queuekey)
return dict() # No AJAX return is needed
......@@ -361,7 +371,16 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
for key in get:
# e.g. input_resistor_1 ==> resistor_1
_, _, name = key.partition('_')
answers[name] = get[key]
# This allows for answers which require more than one value for
# the same form input (e.g. checkbox inputs). The convention is that
# if the name ends with '[]' (which looks like an array), then the
# answer will be an array.
if not name.endswith('[]'):
answers[name] = get[key]
name = name[:-2]
answers[name] = get.getlist(key)
return answers
......@@ -424,7 +443,8 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
if not correct_map.is_correct(answer_id):
success = 'incorrect'
# log this in the track_function
# NOTE: We are logging both full grading and queued-grading submissions. In the latter,
# 'success' will always be incorrect
event_info['correct_map'] = correct_map.get_dict()
event_info['success'] = success
self.system.track_function('save_problem_check', event_info)
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class SequenceModule(XModule):
# of script, even if it occurs mid-string. Do this after json.dumps()ing
# so that we can be sure of the quotations being used
import re
params = {'items': re.sub(r'</(script)', r'\u003c/\1', json.dumps(contents), flags=re.IGNORECASE),
params = {'items': re.sub(r'(?i)</(script)', r'\u003c/\1', json.dumps(contents)), # ?i = re.IGNORECASE for py2.6 compatability
'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
'position': self.position,
......@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import Http404
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from functools import wraps
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string
from models import StudentModule, StudentModuleCache
......@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
Create a closure around the system environment.
ajax_url - the url where ajax calls to the encapsulating module go.
xqueue_callback_url - the url where external queueing system (e.g. for grading)
returns its response
track_function - function of (event_type, event), intended for logging
or otherwise tracking the event.
TODO: Not used, and has inconsistent args in different
......@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ def get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, position=None):
# Setup system context for module instance
ajax_url = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL + '/modx/' + descriptor.location.url() + '/'
xqueue_callback_url = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL + '/xqueue/' + user.username + '/' + descriptor.location.url() + '/'
xqueue_callback_url = settings.MITX_ROOT_URL + '/xqueue/' + str( + '/' + descriptor.location.url() + '/'
def _get_module(location):
(module, _, _, _) = get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, position)
......@@ -324,11 +328,9 @@ def add_histogram(module):
module.get_html = get_html
return module
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
def xqueue_callback(request, username, id, dispatch):
def xqueue_callback(request, userid, id, dispatch):
# Parse xqueue response
get = request.POST.copy()
......@@ -336,12 +338,9 @@ def xqueue_callback(request, username, id, dispatch):
except Exception as err:
msg = "Error in xqueue_callback %s: Invalid return format" % err
raise Exception(msg)
# Should proceed only when the request timestamp is more recent than problem timestamp
timestamp = header['timestamp']
# Retrieve target StudentModule
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
user = User.objects.get(id=userid)
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache(user, modulestore().get_item(id))
instance, instance_module, shared_module, module_type = get_module(request.user, request, id, student_module_cache)
......@@ -354,6 +353,10 @@ def xqueue_callback(request, username, id, dispatch):
oldgrade = instance_module.grade
old_instance_state = instance_module.state
# Transfer 'queuekey' from xqueue response header to 'get'. This is required to
# use the interface defined by 'handle_ajax'
get.update({'queuekey': header['queuekey']})
# We go through the "AJAX" path
# So far, the only dispatch from xqueue will be 'score_update'
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0; }
.wrapper, .subpage, section.copyright, section.tos, section.privacy-policy, section.honor-code, header.announcement div, section.index-content, footer {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden; }
div#enroll form {
display: none; }
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
url(r'^masquerade/', include('masquerade.urls')),
url(r'^jumpto/(?P<probname>[^/]+)/$', 'courseware.views.jump_to'),
url(r'^modx/(?P<id>.*?)/(?P<dispatch>[^/]*)$', 'courseware.module_render.modx_dispatch'), #reset_problem'),
url(r'^xqueue/(?P<username>[^/]*)/(?P<id>.*?)/(?P<dispatch>[^/]*)$', 'courseware.module_render.xqueue_callback'),
url(r'^xqueue/(?P<userid>[^/]*)/(?P<id>.*?)/(?P<dispatch>[^/]*)$', 'courseware.module_render.xqueue_callback'),
url(r'^change_setting$', 'student.views.change_setting'),
url(r'^s/(?P<template>[^/]*)$', 'static_template_view.views.auth_index'),
# url(r'^course_info/$', 'student.views.courseinfo'),
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