## TODO (ECOM-16): This is part of an AB-test of auto-registration.
## Once the test completes, we can make the winning configuration the default
## and remove this flag.
%if not autoreg:
<!-- /experiment-control -->
<liclass="help-item help-item-questions">
<h3class="title">${_("Have questions?")}</h3>
<p>${_("Please read {a_start}our FAQs to view common questions about our certificates{a_end}.").format(a_start='<arel="external"href="'+ marketing_link('WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT') + '">', a_end="</a>")}</p>
<liclass="help-item help-item-questions">
<h3class="title">${_("Have questions?")}</h3>
<p>${_("Please read {a_start}our FAQs to view common questions about our certificates{a_end}.").format(a_start='<arel="external"href="'+ marketing_link('WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT') + '">', a_end="</a>")}</p>
%if can_audit:
<liclass="help-item help-item-coldfeet">
%if upgrade:
<h3class="title">${_("Change your mind?")}</h3>
<p>${_("You can always continue to audit the course without verifying.")}</p>
<h3class="title">${_("Change your mind?")}</h3>
<p>${_("You can always {a_start} audit the course for free {a_end} without verifying.").format(a_start='<arel="external"href="{}">'.format(course_modes_choose_url), a_end="</a>")}</p>
<p>${_("Please make sure your browser is updated to the {a_start}most recent version possible{a_end}. Also, please make sure your <strong>webcam is plugged in, turned on, and allowed to function in your web browser (commonly adjustable in your browser settings).</strong>").format(a_start='<strong><arel="external"href="http://browsehappy.com/">', a_end="</a></strong>")}</p>
<p>${_("Please read {a_start}our FAQs to view common questions about our certificates{a_end}.").format(a_start='<arel="external"href="'+ marketing_link('WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT') + '">', a_end="</a>")}</p>
<p>${_("Please make sure your browser is updated to the {a_start}most recent version possible{a_end}. Also, please make sure your <strong>webcam is plugged in, turned on, and allowed to function in your web browser (commonly adjustable in your browser settings).</strong>").format(a_start='<strong><arel="external"href="http://browsehappy.com/">', a_end="</a></strong>")}</p>
<p>${_("Please make sure your browser is updated to the {a_start}most recent version possible{a_end}. Also, please make sure your <strong>webcam is plugged in, turned on, and allowed to function in your web browser (commonly adjustable in your browser settings).</strong>").format(a_start='<strong><arel="external"href="http://browsehappy.com/">', a_end="</a></strong>")}</p>