Commit bd079648 by Mark Hoeber

Merge pull request #2155 from edx/sylvia/documentation/AA_updates

Sylvia/documentation/aa updates
parents 7692f0d8 2cd03b7e
......@@ -155,6 +155,47 @@ Both Subsections can contain other content as well as the actual homework or lab
See :ref:`Working with Problem Components` for instructions on creating problems.
Set the Grading Policy
You can designate a subsection as one of the assignment types that you specified in the grading policy.
You set the grading policy for the subsection from the course outline or from the subsection page.
From the course outline, click the checkmark next to the subsection. Then select a grading policy from the popup menu:
.. image:: Images/course_outline_set_grade.png
:width: 600
From the Subsection page, click the text next to the **Graded as** label, then select a grading policy from the popup menu:
.. image:: Images/subsection_set_grade.png
:width: 600
See :ref:`Establish a Grading Policy` for more information.
Set the Due Date
For subsections that contain graded problems, you can set a due date. Students must complete the problems in the subsection before the due date to get credit.
#. From the subsection page, click **SET A DUE DATE**. The Due Day and Due Time fields appear.
#. Place the cursor in the Due Date field, and pick a day from the popup calendar.
#. Place the cursor in the Due Time field and pick a time.
.. note:: When you set a due date, keep in mind that students will be in different time zones. By default, the time zone appears as UTC, not the student's local time. If you tell your students an assignment is due at 5:00 PM, make sure to specify that the time is 5:00 PM UTC and point them to a time converter.
Alternatively, you can :ref:`Set the Grace Period` for your assignments to cover any misunderstandings about time. For example, some classes have set a grace period of 1 day, 6 hours, and 1 minute. The grace period applies to all assignments.
For more information, see :ref:`Establish a Grading Policy`.
.. _student_view:
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Export a Course
There are several reasons you may want to export your course:
* To save your work
* To edit the XML in your course directly
* To create a backup copy of your course, which you can import if you want to revert the course back to a previous state
* To create a copy of your course that you can later import into another course instance and customize
......@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ When you receive notice that you can create courses, log into Studio_.
You see the following page:
.. image:: Images/first_course.png
:width: 800
:width: 600
#. Click **Create Your First Course**.
#. Enter course information as needed and click **Create**.
.. image:: Images/new_course_info.png
:width: 800
:width: 600
.. note:: Enter new course information carefully. This information becomes part of the URL for your course. To change the URL after the course is created, you must contact edX through the Help site ( Additionally, because this information becomes part of your course URL, the total number of characters in the following three fields must be 65 or fewer.
......@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ You see the following page:
3. Click **Save.**
You then see the empty Course Outline.
Your new course opens to the **Course Outline** page. Because you haven't created any content yet, this page is empty.
In your browser’s address bar, notice that the URL of your course includes the course organization, number, and course run.
The rest of this documentation describes how you now build and run your course. But first, lets view your empty course on Edge.
The rest of this documentation describes how you now build and run your course. But first, let's view your empty course on Edge.
.. _View Your Course on Edge:
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ In the Course Outline in Studio, click **View Live**. The course opens on Edge.
You can also go directly to Edge_. Log in if prompted. You see the course you just created listed:
.. image:: Images/new_course.png
:width: 800
:width: 600
You can view the course and see that there is no content yet.
......@@ -177,17 +177,18 @@ To publish courses on, you must have an agreement with edX and specific
.. _Register Your Course on
Register Your Course on
View Your Course on
If you're creating your course on **edX**, you must register
for your course.
If your organization has an agreement with edX and you have specific approval, you can create a course on edX. To see the content of your course as students will see it, you must register for your course. You can then view it on the LMS.
#. Create your course and add content.
#. On the **Course Outline** page, click the blue **View
Live** button in the upper-right corner of your screen.
Your course registration page opens in a new tab on the LMS.
#. Click the blue **Register** button to register for your course.
#. In your browser, switch back to the tab that shows Studio. You will
#. Click the blue **Register** button to register for your course. After you register for your course, it opens in the LMS.
#. To continue working on your course, in your browser, switch back to the tab that shows Studio. You will
still be on the **Course Outline** page.
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