Commit bcbe2657 by Alison Hodges

Added a relaunch invitation template email

parent 70d47fb5
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ August, 2014
* - Date
- Change
* - 08/18/14
- Expanded the :ref:`Example Messages to Students` in the :ref:`Launch`
* - 08/12/14
- Updated documentation to address the new publishing workflow and user
......@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ messages that have been sent, such as:
* The change in the number of people who were sent course-related messages over
To produce the Email Task History report:
#. View the live version of your course.
......@@ -315,6 +314,7 @@ milestones, as models for your own course communications.
* :ref:`Midcourse Events`
* :ref:`Technical Issue`
* :ref:`Course Farewell and Certificates`
* :ref:`New Course Run Announcement`
These messages are styled as email messages, but you could also post this
information in a course discussion topic or on the **Course Info** page.
......@@ -331,17 +331,18 @@ Pre-launch reminders raise awareness of the course start date, publicize the
course, and generate excitement. In addition to the course start date and time,
the example that follows also lets students know that:
* UTC is used in edX courses. Alternatively, you could include information about
your course or the edX platform that will contribute to your students'
* UTC is used in edX courses. Alternatively, you could include information
about your course or the edX platform that will contribute to your students'
* The course has a companion social media site. Alternatively, you might include
information about planned meetups or other community-building opportunities.
* The course has a companion social media site. Alternatively, you might
include information about planned meetups or other community-building
You may want to send out more than one message before the course launches: use
this template as a starting point for crafting the different messages you want
to deliver. Replace values enclosed by {braces} with information that applies to
your course.
to deliver. Replace values enclosed by {braces} with information that applies
to your course.
......@@ -597,4 +598,54 @@ about future access to course materials. Be sure to replace values enclosed by
Good luck on the final exam and beyond!
{name} and the {course number} staff
\ No newline at end of file
{name} and the {course number} staff
.. _New Course Run Announcement:
New Course Run Announcement
When you prepare a course for a new run, you can use the bulk email feature in
its previous run (or runs) to inform an engaged and knowledgeable audience:
your former students. Announcing a new run to students of an earlier run gives
you the opportunity to highlight key aspects of the course, such as the quality
and variety of its discussions, or the global interest and relevance of the
subject, as demonstrated by past enrollment. You can also reveal new features
or content that have been added to the new course run. By emphasizing the
value of the course, you get people thinking and talking about their
experiences, build excitement, and encourage re-enrollment.
This message template offers students who did not complete the course, or who
did not previously choose the verified certificate track, the opportunity to do
so. It also invites students to share the course with colleagues and and
When preparing a message from this template, search for values enclosed by
{braces} and replace them with information that applies to your course.
Subject: Announcing a new run of {course name}
Hello {course number} leaners,
The next run of {course number} {course name} begins on {date}! We are glad
to share this news with you, the students who made the earlier run{s} of
{course number} so succesful.
{Success story from the previous run.}
{New content or features for the upcoming run.}
Perhaps you want to share the {course name} experience with a friend or
colleague, earn an ID-verified certificate of achievement, or work through
course content that you weren't able to complete before. When {course number}
is offered in {time frame}, we welcome you to join the community of learners
To learn more and to register, visit the {course name} page {add link}.
We hope to see you in the course,
The {course number} Staff
\ No newline at end of file
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