Commit bc499e3b by Adam

Merge pull request #7725 from edx/adam/add-script-for-hotfix

add script for generating commands needed for hotfix
parents 50e9b435 698c8374
#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to generate alton and git commands for executing hotfixes
Commands for:
- cutting amis
- creating hotfix tag
The script should be run with the hotfix's git hash as a command-line argument.
i.e. `python scripts/ <hotfix hash>`
from __future__ import print_function
from datetime import date
import sys
import argparse
import textwrap
def generate_alton_commands(hotfix_hash):
Generates commands for alton to cut amis from the git hash of the hotfix.
template = textwrap.dedent("""
@alton cut ami for stage-edx-edxapp from prod-edx-edxapp with edx_platform_version={hotfix_hash}
@alton cut ami for prod-edge-edxapp from prod-edge-edxapp with edx_platform_version={hotfix_hash}
@alton cut ami for prod-edx-edxapp from prod-edx-edxapp with edx_platform_version={hotfix_hash}
return template.strip().format(hotfix_hash=hotfix_hash)
def generate_git_command(hotfix_hash):
Generates command to tag the git hash of the hotfix.
git_string = 'git tag -a hotfix-{iso_date} -m "Hotfix for {msg_date}" {hotfix_hash}'.format(,"%b %d, %Y"),
return git_string
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate alton and git commands for hotfixes")
parser.add_argument("hash", help="git hash for hotfix")
args = parser.parse_args()
hotfix_hash = args.hash
print("\nHere are the alton commands to cut the hotfix amis:")
print("\nHere is the git command to generate the hotfix tag:")
print("\nOnce you create the git tag, push the tag by running:")
print("git push --tags\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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