Commit bbd902f8 by Giulio Gratta

Last Changes before Merge

- Change variable name to make it more clear
parent 68ce6ed1
......@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ class @TrackChanges
undo_change: (event) =>
keyToUndo = 0
keyOfLatestChange = 0
@tracked_elements.each ->
key = parseInt(@attr('data-cid'))
if key > keyToUndo
keyToUndo = key
ICEtracker.rejectChange('[data-cid="'+ keyToUndo + '"]')
if key > keyOfLatestChange
keyOfLatestChange = key
ICEtracker.rejectChange('[data-cid="'+ keyOfLatestChange + '"]')
stop_tracking_on_submit: () =>
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