<span class="text"><%- gettext("First time here?") %></span>
<a href="#login" class="form-toggle" data-type="register"><%- gettext("Create an Account.") %></a>
<% } %>
<h2><%- gettext("Sign In") %></h2>
<% if (context.enterpriseName) { %>
<% if (context.pipelineUserDetails.email) { %>
<h2><%- gettext("Sign in to continue learning as {email}").replace("{email}", context.pipelineUserDetails.email) %></h2>
<% } else { %>
<h2><%- gettext("Sign in to continue learning") %></h2>
<% } %>
<p><%- gettext("You already have an edX account with your {enterprise_name} email address. Going forward, your account information will be updated and maintained by {enterprise_name}. You can view your information or unlink from {enterprise_name} anytime in your Account Settings.").replace(/{enterprise_name}/g, context.enterpriseName) %> </p>
<p><%- gettext("To continue learning with this account, sign in below.") %></p>