Commit bb0a58ab by cahrens

Code review feedback.

parent b0c35982
......@@ -329,9 +329,11 @@ def type_in_codemirror(index, text, find_prefix="$"):
def get_codemirror_value(index=0, find_prefix="$"):
return world.browser.driver.execute_script("""
return world.browser.driver.execute_script(
return {find_prefix}('div.CodeMirror:eq({index})').get(0).CodeMirror.getValue();
""".format(index=index, find_prefix=find_prefix))
""".format(index=index, find_prefix=find_prefix)
def upload_file(filename):
......@@ -39,9 +39,8 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
When I edit the page
And type "<p class='title'>pages</p><style><!-- .title { color: red; } --></style>" in the code editor and press OK
And I save the page
Then the page text is:
Then the page text contains:
<p class="title">pages</p>
.title { color: red; }
......@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
And I set the text to "display as code" and I select the text
And I select the code toolbar button
And I save the page
Then the page text is:
Then the page text contains:
<p><code>display as code</code></p>
......@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ def i_click_on_save(step):
@step('the page text is:')
@step('the page text contains:')
def check_page_text(step):
assert_equal(step.multiline, world.css_find('.xmodule_HtmlModule').html.strip())
assert_in(step.multiline, world.css_find('.xmodule_HtmlModule').html)
@step('the src link is rewritten to "(.*)"$')
......@@ -81,12 +81,14 @@ class @HTMLEditingDescriptor
showCodeEditor: (codeEditor) =>
# Called with the CodeMirror Editor is displayed to convert links to show satic prefix.
# Called when the CodeMirror Editor is displayed to convert links to show satic prefix.
# The input argument is the CodeMirror instance.
content = rewriteStaticLinks(codeEditor.getValue(), @base_asset_url, '/static/')
saveCodeEditor: (codeEditor) =>
# Called when the CodeMirror Editor is saved to convert links back to the full form.
# The input argument is the CodeMirror instance.
content = rewriteStaticLinks(codeEditor.getValue(), '/static/', @base_asset_url)
......@@ -110,14 +110,15 @@ function start()
// Create legend for keyboard shortcuts for find & replace:
var head = parent.document.querySelectorAll('.mce-foot')[0],
div = parent.document.createElement('div'),
td1 = '<td style="font-size:11px;background:#777;color:#fff;padding:0 4px">',
td2 = '<td style="font-size:11px;padding-right:5px">';
div.innerHTML = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-spacing:4px"><tr>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-F' : 'Ctrl-F</td>') + td2 + tinymce.translate('Start search') + '</td>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-G' : 'Ctrl-G') + '</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Find next') + '</td>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-Alt-F' : 'Shift-Ctrl-F') + '</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Find previous') + '</td></tr>' + '<tr>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-Alt-F' : 'Shift-Ctrl-F') + '</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Replace') + '</td>' + td1 + (isMac ? 'Shift-&#8984;-Alt-F' : 'Shift-Ctrl-R') +'</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Replace all') + '</td></tr></table>'; = 'absolute'; = = '5px';
// Disabled by EDX.
// var head = parent.document.querySelectorAll('.mce-foot')[0],
// div = parent.document.createElement('div'),
// td1 = '<td style="font-size:11px;background:#777;color:#fff;padding:0 4px">',
// td2 = '<td style="font-size:11px;padding-right:5px">';
// div.innerHTML = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-spacing:4px"><tr>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-F' : 'Ctrl-F</td>') + td2 + tinymce.translate('Start search') + '</td>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-G' : 'Ctrl-G') + '</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Find next') + '</td>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-Alt-F' : 'Shift-Ctrl-F') + '</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Find previous') + '</td></tr>' + '<tr>' + td1 + (isMac ? '&#8984;-Alt-F' : 'Shift-Ctrl-F') + '</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Replace') + '</td>' + td1 + (isMac ? 'Shift-&#8984;-Alt-F' : 'Shift-Ctrl-R') +'</td>' + td2 + tinymce.translate('Replace all') + '</td></tr></table>';
// = 'absolute';
// = = '5px';
// head.appendChild(div);
// Set CodeMirror cursor to same position as cursor was in TinyMCE:
var html = editor.getContent({source_view: true});
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