Commit badf86f7 by Don Mitchell

Have save_item parse json formatted field values by type

including allowing javascript to serialize date/time natively.
parent 025a9588
......@@ -59,17 +59,21 @@ def save_item(request):
# 'apply' the submitted metadata, so we don't end up deleting system metadata
existing_item = modulestore().get_item(item_location)
for metadata_key in request.POST.get('nullout', []):
setattr(existing_item, metadata_key, None)
# [dhm] see comment on _get_xblock_field
_get_xblock_field(existing_item, metadata_key).write_to(existing_item, None)
# update existing metadata with submitted metadata (which can be partial)
# IMPORTANT NOTE: if the client passed 'null' (None) for a piece of metadata that means 'remove it'. If
# the intent is to make it None, use the nullout field
for metadata_key, value in request.POST.get('metadata', {}).items():
# [dhm] see comment on _get_xblock_field
field = _get_xblock_field(existing_item, metadata_key)
if value is None:
delattr(existing_item, metadata_key)
setattr(existing_item, metadata_key, value)
value = field.from_json(value)
field.write_to(existing_item, value)
# Save the data that we've just changed to the underlying
# MongoKeyValueStore before we update the mongo datastore.
......@@ -79,6 +83,33 @@ def save_item(request):
return HttpResponse()
# [DHM] A hack until we implement a permanent soln. Proposed perm solution is to make namespace fields also top level
# fields in xblocks rather than requiring dereference through namespace but we'll need to consider whether there are
# plausible use cases for distinct fields w/ same name in different namespaces on the same blocks.
# The idea is that consumers of the xblock, and particularly the web client, shouldn't know about our internal
# representation (namespaces as means of decorating all modules).
# Given top-level access, the calls can simply be setattr(existing_item, field, value) ...
# Really, this method should be elsewhere (e.g., xblock). We also need methods for has_value (v is_default)...
def _get_xblock_field(xblock, field_name):
A temporary function to get the xblock field either from the xblock or one of its namespaces by name.
:param xblock:
:param field_name:
def find_field(fields):
for field in fields:
if == field_name:
return field
found = find_field(xblock.fields)
if found:
return found
for namespace in xblock.namespaces:
found = find_field(getattr(xblock, namespace).fields)
if found:
return found
def create_item(request):
......@@ -253,17 +253,13 @@ function syncReleaseDate(e) {
function getEdxTimeFromDateTimeVals(date_val, time_val) {
var edxTimeStr = null;
if (date_val != '') {
if (time_val == '') time_val = '00:00';
// Note, we are using date.js utility which has better parsing abilities than the built in JS date parsing
var date = Date.parse(date_val + " " + time_val);
edxTimeStr = date.toString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm');
return new Date(date_val + " " + time_val + "Z");
return edxTimeStr;
else return null;
function getEdxTimeFromDateTimeInputs(date_id, time_id) {
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