help=_("Cohorts are not currently supported by edX."),
help=_("Enter policy keys and values to enable the cohort feature, define automated student assignment to groups, or identify any course-wide discussion topics as private to cohort members."),
<% if (cohort.get('assignment_type') == "none") { %>
<%= gettext("Students are added to this group only when you provide their email addresses or usernames on this page.") %>
<a href="" class="incontext-help action-secondary action-help"><%= gettext("What does this mean?") %></a>
<% } else { %>
<%= gettext("Students are added to this group automatically.") %>
<a href="" class="incontext-help action-secondary action-help"><%= gettext("What does this mean?") %></a>
<% } %>
<a href="" class="incontext-help action-secondary action-help"><%= gettext("What does this mean?") %></a>