@@ -11,17 +11,52 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import Text, HTML
<h1id="api-access-request-header">${_("{platform_name} API Access Request").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}</h1>
<divclass="request-status request-${status}">
% if status == ApiAccessRequest.PENDING:
## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation. "link_start" and "link_end" are the HTML for a link to the API documentation. "api_support_email_link" is HTML for a link to email the API support staff.
<pid="api-access-status">${Text(_('Your request to access the {platform_name} Course Catalog API is being processed. You will receive a message at the email address in your profile when processing is complete. You can also return to this page to see the status of your API access request. To learn more about the {platform_name} Course Catalog API, visit {link_start}our API documentation page{link_end}. For questions about using this API, visit our FAQ page or contact {api_support_email_link}.')).format(
## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation.
${Text(_('Your request to access the {platform_name} Course Catalog API is being processed. You will receive a message at the email address in your profile when processing is complete. You can also return to this page to see the status of your API access request.')).format(
## TODO (ECOM-3946): Add status text for 'active' and 'denied', as well as API client creation.
% elif status == ApiAccessRequest.DENIED:
## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation. "api_support_email_link" is HTML for a link to email the API support staff.
${Text(_('Your request to access the {platform_name} Course Catalog API has been denied. If you think this is an error, or for other questions about using this API, contact {api_support_email_link}.')).format(
<inputid="api-access-submit"type="submit"value="${_('Generate API client credentials')}"/>
% endif
## Translators: "platform_name" is the name of this Open edX installation. "link_start" and "link_end" are the HTML for a link to the API documentation. "api_support_email_link" is HTML for a link to email the API support staff.
${Text(_('To learn more about the {platform_name} Course Catalog API, visit {link_start}our API documentation page{link_end}. For questions about using this API, contact {api_support_email_link}.')).format(