Commit b95ea442 by Ned Batchelder

Prevent a print statement from accidentally borking the sandbox.

parent 5acb2258
......@@ -46,9 +46,24 @@ def safe_exec(code, globals_dict, assumed_imports=None, files=None, python_path=
the_code = []
files = list(files or ())
import json
import sys
# We need to prevent the sandboxed code from printing to stdout,
# or it will pollute the json we print there. This isn't a
# security concern (they can put any values in the json output
# anyway, either by writing to sys.__stdout__, or just by defining
# global values), but keeps accidents from happening.
class DevNull(object):
def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
sys.stdout = DevNull()
# Read the code and the globals from the stdin.
code, g_dict = json.load(sys.stdin)
......@@ -62,12 +77,20 @@ def safe_exec(code, globals_dict, assumed_imports=None, files=None, python_path=
for name, modname in names_and_modules(assumed_imports):
the_code.append("g_dict['{}'] = LazyModule('{}')\n".format(name, modname))
# Execute the sandboxed code.
exec code in g_dict
# Clean the globals for sending back as JSON over stdout.
ok_types = (type(None), int, long, float, str, unicode, list, tuple, dict)
bad_keys = ("__builtins__",)
g_dict = {k:v for k,v in g_dict.iteritems() if isinstance(v, ok_types) and k not in bad_keys}
json.dump(g_dict, sys.stdout)
# Write the globals back to the calling process.
json.dump(g_dict, sys.__stdout__)
stdin = json.dumps([code, globals_dict])
......@@ -82,7 +105,7 @@ def safe_exec(code, globals_dict, assumed_imports=None, files=None, python_path=
res = jailpy.jailpy(jailed_code, stdin=stdin, files=files)
if res.status != 0:
raise Exception("Couldn't excecute jailed code: %s" % res.stderr)
raise Exception("Couldn't execute jailed code: %s" % res.stderr)
......@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ class SafeExecTests(object):
"""), g)
self.assertEqual(g['x'], 1723)
def test_printing_stuff_when_you_shouldnt(self):
g = {}
self.safe_exec("a = 17; print 'hi!'", g)
self.assertEqual(g['a'], 17)
class TestSafeExec(SafeExecTests, unittest.TestCase):
"""Run SafeExecTests, with the real safe_exec."""
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