Commit b7eea135 by Christina Roberts

Merge pull request #4119 from edx/christina/requirejs-promise

Wait for scripts defined in common xmodule code to execute.
parents 7a452b62 3acf394d
......@@ -32,19 +32,18 @@ main_xblock_info = {
<script type='text/javascript'>
require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/xblock_info", "js/views/pages/container",
"js/collections/component_template", "xmodule", "coffee/src/main", "xblock/cms.runtime.v1"],
function(doc, $, XBlockInfo, ContainerPage, ComponentTemplates) {
var view, mainXBlockInfo;
function(doc, $, XBlockInfo, ContainerPage, ComponentTemplates, xmoduleLoader) {
var templates = new ComponentTemplates(${component_templates | n}, {parse: true});
var mainXBlockInfo = new XBlockInfo(${json.dumps(main_xblock_info) | n});
mainXBlockInfo = new XBlockInfo(${json.dumps(main_xblock_info) | n});
view = new ContainerPage({
el: $('#content'),
model: mainXBlockInfo,
templates: templates
xmoduleLoader.done(function () {
var view = new ContainerPage({
el: $('#content'),
model: mainXBlockInfo,
templates: templates
......@@ -21,16 +21,18 @@
<script type='text/javascript'>
require(["js/models/explicit_url", "coffee/src/views/tabs",
"xmodule", "coffee/src/main", "xblock/cms.runtime.v1"],
function (TabsModel, TabsEditView) {
var model = new TabsModel({
id: "${context_course.location}",
explicit_url: "${reverse('contentstore.views.tabs_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string':})}"
new TabsEditView({
el: $('.tab-list'),
model: model,
mast: $('.wrapper-mast')
function (TabsModel, TabsEditView, xmoduleLoader) {
xmoduleLoader.done(function () {
var model = new TabsModel({
id: "${context_course.location}",
explicit_url: "${reverse('contentstore.views.tabs_handler', kwargs={'course_key_string':})}"
new TabsEditView({
el: $('.tab-list'),
model: model,
mast: $('.wrapper-mast')
......@@ -21,25 +21,27 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
<%block name="jsextra">
<script type='text/javascript'>
require(["domReady!", "jquery", "js/models/module_info", "coffee/src/views/unit", "js/collections/component_template",
"jquery.ui", "xmodule", "coffee/src/main", "xblock/cms.runtime.v1"],
function(doc, $, ModuleModel, UnitEditView, ComponentTemplates) {
"xmodule", "jquery.ui", "coffee/src/main", "xblock/cms.runtime.v1"],
function(doc, $, ModuleModel, UnitEditView, ComponentTemplates, xmoduleLoader) {
window.unit_location_analytics = '${unit_usage_key}';
var templates = new ComponentTemplates(${component_templates | n}, {parse: true});
new UnitEditView({
el: $('.main-wrapper'),
view: 'unit',
model: new ModuleModel({
id: '${unit_usage_key}',
state: '${unit_state}'
templates: templates
xmoduleLoader.done(function () {
new UnitEditView({
el: $('.main-wrapper'),
view: 'unit',
model: new ModuleModel({
id: '${unit_usage_key}',
state: '${unit_state}'
templates: templates
$emptyEditor = $(this).find('.empty');
$emptyEditor = $(this).find('.empty');
......@@ -21,8 +21,17 @@ define(["jquery", "underscore", "mathjax", "codemirror", "tinymce",
var urls = ${urls};
var head = $("head");
$.each(urls, function(i, url) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var numResources = urls.length;
$.each(urls, function (i, url) {
head.append($("<script/>", {src: url}));
// Wait for all the scripts to execute.
require([url], function () {
if (i === numResources - 1) {
return window.XModule;
return deferred.promise();
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