Commit b79be15c by Alexander Kryklia

directives now without starting space

parent 96fd48f4
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
plot_div = '<div class="{element_class}_plot" id="{element_id}_plot" \
# extract css style from plot
plot_def ='\$\s*plot[^\$]*\$', html_string).group()
plot_def ='\$plot[^\$]*\$', html_string).group()
style ='(?=.*style\=[\"\'](.*)[\"\'])', plot_def)
if style:
style = style.groups()[0]
......@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
replacement = plot_div.format(element_class=self.html_class,
html_string = re.sub(r'\$\s*plot[^\$]*\$', replacement, html_string,
html_string = re.sub(r'\$plot[^\$]*\$', replacement, html_string,
# get variables
if json.loads(self.configuration_json)['root'].get('parameters'):
......@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
variables = [x['@var'] for x in variables]
return html_string
# if variables[0] == 'v':
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
#substitute sliders
slider_div = '<div class="{element_class}_slider" \
id="{element_id}_slider_{var}" \
......@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
for var in variables:
# find $slider var='var' ... $
instances = re.findall(r'\$\s*slider\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\']' + var + '[\"\'])' \
instances = re.findall(r'\$slider\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\']' + var + '[\"\'])' \
+ r'[^\$]*\$', html_string)
if instances: # if presented, only one slider per var
slider_def = instances[0] # get $slider var='var' ... $ string
......@@ -120,9 +121,9 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
var=var, style=style)
# subsitute $slider var='var' ... $ in html_srting to proper
# html div element
html_string = re.sub(r'\$\s*slider\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\'](' + \
html_string = re.sub(r'\$slider\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\'](' + \
var + ')[\"\'])' + r'[^\$]*\$',
replacement, html_string, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
replacement, html_string, flags=re.UNICODE)
# substitute inputs if we have them
input_el = '<input class="{element_class}_input" \
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
for var in variables:
input_index = 0 # make multiple inputs for same variable have
# different id
instances = re.findall(r'\$\s*input\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\']' + var + '[\"\'])' \
instances = re.findall(r'\$input\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\']' + var + '[\"\'])' \
+ r'[^\$]*\$', html_string)
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
for input_def in instances: # for multiple inputs per var
......@@ -159,9 +160,9 @@ class GraphicalSliderToolModule(XModule):
var=var, readonly=readonly, style=style,
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
html_string = re.sub(r'\$\s*input\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\'](' + \
html_string = re.sub(r'\$input\s+(?=.*var\=[\"\'](' + \
var + ')[\"\'])' + r'[^\$]*\$',
replacement, html_string, count=1, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
replacement, html_string, count=1, flags=re.UNICODE)
return html_string
def get_configuration(self):
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