Commit b782e2ff by Victor Shnayder

Make start dates work for all modules

* error modules now hidden via access control
* get_module() returns None if user doesn't have access
parent 2df3a6ef
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ class ABTestModule(XModule):
return json.dumps({'group':})
def displayable_items(self):
return [self.system.get_module(child)
for child
in self.definition['data']['group_content'][]]
return filter(None, [self.system.get_module(child)
for child
in self.definition['data']['group_content'][]])
# TODO (cpennington): Use Groups should be a first class object, rather than being
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from xmodule.util.decorators import lazyproperty
from xmodule.graders import load_grading_policy
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.seq_module import SequenceDescriptor, SequenceModule
from xmodule.timeparse import parse_time
from xmodule.timeparse import parse_time, stringify_time
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -18,16 +18,10 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
super(CourseDescriptor, self).__init__(system, definition, **kwargs)
msg = None
self.start = parse_time(self.metadata["start"])
except KeyError:
msg = "Course loaded without a start date. id = %s" %
except ValueError as e:
msg = "Course loaded with a bad start date. %s '%s'" % (, e)
# Don't call the tracker from the exception handler.
if msg is not None:
self.start = time.gmtime(0) # The epoch
if self.start is None:
msg = "Course loaded without a valid start date. id = %s" %
# hack it -- start in 1970
self.metadata['start'] = stringify_time(time.gmtime(0))
......@@ -24,16 +24,8 @@ class ErrorModule(XModule):
return self.system.render_template('module-error.html', {
'data' : self.definition['data']['contents'],
'error' : self.definition['data']['error_msg'],
'is_staff' : self.system.is_staff,
def displayable_items(self):
"""Hide errors in the profile and table of contents for non-staff
if self.system.is_staff:
return [self]
return []
class ErrorDescriptor(EditingDescriptor):
......@@ -3,9 +3,17 @@ Helper functions for handling time in the format we like.
import time
TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M"
def parse_time(time_str):
Takes a time string in our format ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M"), and returns
Takes a time string in TIME_FORMAT, returns
it as a time_struct. Raises ValueError if the string is not in the right format.
return time.strptime(time_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
return time.strptime(time_str, TIME_FORMAT)
def stringify_time(time_struct):
Convert a time struct to a string
return time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time_struct)
......@@ -219,9 +219,11 @@ class XModule(HTMLSnippet):
Return module instances for all the children of this module.
if self._loaded_children is None:
self._loaded_children = [
for child in self.definition.get('children', [])]
# get_module returns None if the current user doesn't have access
# to the location.
self._loaded_children = filter(None,
for child in self.definition.get('children', [])])
return self._loaded_children
......@@ -385,9 +387,6 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet):
self.category = self.location.category
self.shared_state_key = kwargs.get('shared_state_key')
# look for a start time, setting to None if not present
self.start = self._try_parse_time('start')
self._child_instances = None
self._inherited_metadata = set()
......@@ -401,6 +400,15 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet):
self.url_name.replace('_', ' '))
def start(self):
If self.metadata contains start, return it. Else return None.
if 'start' not in self.metadata:
return None
return self._try_parse_time('start')
def own_metadata(self):
Return the metadata that is not inherited, but was defined on this module.
......@@ -609,7 +617,7 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet):
if key in self.metadata:
return parse_time(self.metadata[key])
except ValueError as e:
msg = "Descriptor {} loaded with a bad metadata key '{}': '{}'".format(
self.location.url(), self.metadata[key], e)
......@@ -709,7 +717,8 @@ class ModuleSystem(object):
files. Update or remove.
get_module - function that takes (location) and returns a corresponding
module instance object.
module instance object. If the current user does not have
access to that location, returns None.
render_template - a function that takes (template_file, context), and
returns rendered html.
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import time
from django.conf import settings
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.timeparse import parse_time
from xmodule.x_module import XModule, XModuleDescriptor
......@@ -49,6 +50,10 @@ def has_access(user, obj, action):
if isinstance(obj, CourseDescriptor):
return _has_access_course_desc(user, obj, action)
if isinstance(obj, ErrorDescriptor):
return _has_access_error_desc(user, obj, action)
# NOTE: any descriptor access checkers need to go above this
if isinstance(obj, XModuleDescriptor):
return _has_access_descriptor(user, obj, action)
......@@ -94,6 +99,7 @@ def _has_access_course_desc(user, course, action):
if (start is None or now > start) and (end is None or now < end):
# in enrollment period, so any user is allowed to enroll.
debug("Allow: in enrollment period")
return True
# otherwise, need staff access
......@@ -115,6 +121,7 @@ def _has_access_course_desc(user, course, action):
# if this feature is on, only allow courses that have ispublic set to be
# seen by non-staff
if course.metadata.get('ispublic'):
debug("Allow: ACCESS_REQUIRE_STAFF_FOR_COURSE and ispublic")
return True
return _has_staff_access_to_descriptor(user, course)
......@@ -130,6 +137,25 @@ def _has_access_course_desc(user, course, action):
return _dispatch(checkers, action, user, course)
def _has_access_error_desc(user, descriptor, action):
Only staff should see error descriptors.
Valid actions:
'load' -- load this descriptor, showing it to the user.
'staff' -- staff access to descriptor.
def check_for_staff():
return _has_staff_access_to_descriptor(user, descriptor)
checkers = {
'load': check_for_staff,
'staff': check_for_staff
return _dispatch(checkers, action, user, descriptor)
def _has_access_descriptor(user, descriptor, action):
Check if user has access to this descriptor.
......@@ -145,6 +171,7 @@ def _has_access_descriptor(user, descriptor, action):
def can_load():
# If start dates are off, can always load
return True
# Check start date
......@@ -152,11 +179,13 @@ def _has_access_descriptor(user, descriptor, action):
now = time.gmtime()
if now > descriptor.start:
# after start date, everyone can see it
debug("Allow: now > start date")
return True
# otherwise, need staff access
return _has_staff_access_to_descriptor(user, descriptor)
# No start date, so can always load.
debug("Allow: no start date")
return True
checkers = {
......@@ -212,7 +241,9 @@ def _dispatch(table, action, user, obj):
result = table[action]()
debug("%s user %s, object %s, action %s",
'ALLOWED' if result else 'DENIED',
user, obj, action)
obj.location.url() if isinstance(obj, XModuleDescriptor) else str(obj)[:60],
return result
raise ValueError("Unknown action for object type '{}': '{}'".format(
......@@ -239,15 +270,19 @@ def _has_staff_access_to_location(user, location):
course is a string: the course field of the location being accessed.
if user is None or (not user.is_authenticated()):
debug("Deny: no user or anon user")
return False
if user.is_staff:
debug("Allow: user.is_staff")
return True
# If not global staff, is the user in the Auth group for this class?
user_groups = [x[1] for x in user.groups.values_list()]
staff_group = _course_staff_group_name(location)
if staff_group in user_groups:
debug("Allow: user in group %s", staff_group)
return True
debug("Deny: user not in group %s", staff_group)
return False
def _has_staff_access_to_course_id(user, course_id):
......@@ -63,7 +63,12 @@ def grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache=None):
scores = []
# TODO: We need the request to pass into here. If we could forgo that, our arguments
# would be simpler
section_module = get_module(student, request, section_descriptor.location, student_module_cache)
section_module = get_module(student, request,
section_descriptor.location, student_module_cache)
if section_module is None:
# student doesn't have access to this module, or something else
# went wrong.
# TODO: We may be able to speed this up by only getting a list of children IDs from section_module
# Then, we may not need to instatiate any problems if they are already in the database
......@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ def toc_for_course(user, request, course, active_chapter, active_section):
Everything else comes from the xml, or defaults to "".
chapters with name 'hidden' are skipped.
NOTE: assumes that if we got this far, user has access to course. Returns
None if this is not the case.
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(user, course, depth=2)
......@@ -144,6 +147,11 @@ def get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, position=None):
location = Location(location)
descriptor = modulestore().get_item(location)
# Short circuit--if the user shouldn't have access, bail without doing any work
if not has_access(user, descriptor, 'load'):
return None
#TODO Only check the cache if this module can possibly have state
instance_module = None
shared_module = None
......@@ -192,6 +200,9 @@ def get_module(user, request, location, student_module_cache, position=None):
'default_queuename': xqueue_default_queuename.replace(' ', '_')}
def _get_module(location):
Delegate to get_module. It does an access check, so may return None
return get_module(user, request, location,
student_module_cache, position)
......@@ -308,10 +319,14 @@ def xqueue_callback(request, course_id, userid, id, dispatch):
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(user, modulestore().get_item(id))
instance = get_module(user, request, id, student_module_cache)
if instance is None:
log.debug("No module {} for user {}--access denied?".format(id, user))
raise Http404
instance_module = get_instance_module(user, instance, student_module_cache)
if instance_module is None:
log.debug("Couldn't find module '%s' for user '%s'", id, user)
log.debug("Couldn't find instance of module '%s' for user '%s'", id, user)
raise Http404
oldgrade = instance_module.grade
......@@ -365,6 +380,11 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch=None, id=None, course_id=None):
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(request.user, modulestore().get_item(id))
instance = get_module(request.user, request, id, student_module_cache)
if instance is None:
# Either permissions just changed, or someone is trying to be clever
# and load something they shouldn't have access to.
log.debug("No module {} for user {}--access denied?".format(id, user))
raise Http404
instance_module = get_instance_module(request.user, instance, student_module_cache)
shared_module = get_shared_instance_module(request.user, instance, student_module_cache)
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from student.models import Registration
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml
from xmodule.timeparse import stringify_time
def parse_json(response):
"""Parse response, which is assumed to be json"""
......@@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ class TestViewAuth(PageLoader):
# Make courses start in the future
tomorrow = time.time() + 24*3600
self.toy.start = self.toy.metadata['start'] = time.gmtime(tomorrow)
self.full.start = self.full.metadata['start'] = time.gmtime(tomorrow)
self.toy.metadata['start'] = stringify_time(time.gmtime(tomorrow))
self.full.metadata['start'] = stringify_time(time.gmtime(tomorrow))
......@@ -136,6 +136,10 @@ def index(request, course_id, chapter=None, section=None,
module = get_module(request.user, request,
if module is None:
# User is probably being clever and trying to access something
# they don't have access to.
raise Http404
context['content'] = module.get_html()
log.warning("Couldn't find a section descriptor for course_id '{0}',"
......@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
<h1>There has been an error on the <em>MITx</em> servers</h1>
<p>We're sorry, this module is temporarily unavailable. Our staff is working to fix it as soon as possible. Please email us at <a href=""></a> to report any problems or downtime.</p>
% if is_staff:
<h1>Staff-only details below:</h1>
<h1>Details below:</h1>
<p>Error: ${error | h}</p>
<p>Raw data: ${data | h}</p>
% endif
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