Commit b7158e9f by Arthur Barrett

Switched to $.scrollTo instead of custom animation and refactored toggle method.

parent 5fc7f1a8
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ class @Annotatable
@_debug: true
wrapperSelector: '.annotatable-wrapper'
toggleSelector: '.annotatable-toggle'
spanSelector: '.annotatable-span'
toggleSelector: '.annotatable-toggle'
spanSelector: '.annotatable-span'
commentSelector: '.annotatable-comment'
replySelector: '.annotatable-reply'
helpSelector: '.annotatable-help-icon'
replySelector: '.annotatable-reply'
helpSelector: '.annotatable-help-icon'
constructor: (el) ->
console.log 'loaded Annotatable' if @_debug
......@@ -26,10 +26,8 @@ class @Annotatable
@$(@wrapperSelector).delegate @replySelector, 'click', @onClickReply
initTips: () ->
@visibleTips = []
@$(@spanSelector).each (index, el) =>
$(el).qtip(@getTipOptions el)
@savedTips = []
@$(@spanSelector).each (index, el) => $(el).qtip(@getTipOptions el)
my: 'right top'
......@@ -75,42 +73,42 @@ class @Annotatable
event.preventDefault() if @annotationsHidden
onClickToggleAnnotations: (e) =>
toggle = @$(@toggleSelector)
spans = @$(@spanSelector)
@annotationsHidden = !@annotationsHidden
if @annotationsHidden
spans.toggleClass('hide', true)
toggle.text('Show Annotations')
@visibleTips = @getVisibleTips()
spans.toggleClass('hide', false)
toggle.text('Hide Annotations')
@annotationsHidden = not @annotationsHidden
@toggleButtonText @annotationsHidden
@toggleSpans @annotationsHidden
@toggleTips @annotationsHidden
onClickReply: (e) =>
hash = $(e.currentTarget).attr('href')
if hash?.charAt(0) == '#'
name = hash.substr(1)
anchor = $("a[name='#{name}']").first()
@scrollTo(anchor) if anchor.length == 1
scrollTo: (el, padding = 20) ->
props =
scrollTop: (el.offset().top - padding)
opts =
duration: 500
complete: @_once -> el.effect 'highlight', {}, 2000
toggleTips: (hide) ->
if hide
$('html,body').animate(props, opts)
toggleButtonText: (hide) ->
buttonText = (if hide then 'Show' else 'Hide')+' Annotations'
toggleSpans: (hide) ->
@$(@spanSelector).toggleClass 'hide', hide
scrollTo: (el) ->
options =
duration: 500
onAfter: @_once -> el.effect 'highlight', {}, 2000
$('html,body').scrollTo(el, options)
makeTipContent: (el) ->
(api) =>
comment = $(@commentSelector, el).first().clone()
anchor = $(el).data('discussion-anchor')
if anchor
comment = $(@commentSelector, el).first().clone()
comment.append(@createReplyLink(anchor)) if anchor
makeTipTitle: (el) ->
......@@ -120,9 +118,19 @@ class @Annotatable
(if title then title else 'Commentary')
createReplyLink: (anchor) ->
$("<a class=\"annotatable-reply\" href=\"##{anchor}\">Reply to this comment</a>")
cls = 'annotatable-reply'
href = '#' + anchor
text = 'Reply to this comment'
$("<a class=\"#{cls}\" href=\"#{href}\">#{text}</a>")
openSavedTips: () ->
@showTips @savedTips
getVisibleTips: () ->
closeAndSaveTips: () ->
@savedTips = @findVisibleTips()
@hideTips @savedTips
findVisibleTips: () ->
visible = []
@$(@spanSelector).each (index, el) ->
api = $(el).qtip('api')
......@@ -130,16 +138,16 @@ class @Annotatable
visible.push [el, tip.offset()]
hideTips: (items) ->
elements = (pair[0] for pair in items)
hideTips: (pairs) ->
elements = (pair[0] for pair in pairs)
showTips: (items) ->
$.each items, (index, item) ->
[el, offset] = item
showTips: (pairs) ->
$.each pairs, (index, pair) ->
[el, offset] = pair
api = $(el).qtip('api')
_once: (fn) ->
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