Commit b71233fd by Vik Paruchuri

Add in message passing pipeline

parent ce3b84d0
......@@ -189,10 +189,20 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
def message_post(self,event_info):
Handle an ajax post that contains feedback on feedback
Returns a boolean success variable
Note: This only allows for feedback to be posted back to the grading controller for the first
open ended response problem on each page. Multiple problems will cause some sync issues.
TODO: Handle multiple problems on one page sync issues.
message = ""
log.debug("in lcp")
for responder in self.responders.values():
if hasattr(responder, 'message_post'):
if hasattr(responder, 'handle_message_post'):
success, message = responder.handle_message_post(event_info)
if success:
return success, message
def get_score(self):
......@@ -1848,6 +1848,7 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
xml = self.xml
self.url = xml.get('url', None)
self.queue_name = xml.get('queuename', self.DEFAULT_QUEUE)
self.message_queue_name = xml.get('message-queuename', self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_QUEUE)
# The openendedparam tag encapsulates all grader settings
oeparam = self.xml.find('openendedparam')
......@@ -1921,6 +1922,52 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
except ValueError:
self.max_score = 1
def handle_message_post(self,event_info):
Handles a student message post (a reaction to the grade they received from an open ended grader type)
Returns a boolean success/fail and an error message
for tag in ['feedback', 'submission_id', 'grader_id']:
if tag not in survey_responses:
return False, "Could not find needed tag {0}".format(tag)
grader_id = int(survey_responses['grader_id'][0])
feedback = str(survey_responses['feedback'][0])
error_message="Could not parse submission id, grader id, or feedback from message_post ajax call."
return False, error_message
qinterface = self.system.xqueue['interface']
qtime = datetime.strftime(, xqueue_interface.dateformat)
anonymous_student_id = self.system.anonymous_student_id
queuekey = xqueue_interface.make_hashkey(str(self.system.seed) + qtime +
anonymous_student_id +
xheader = xqueue_interface.make_xheader(lms_key=queuekey,queue_name=self.message_queue_name)
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime,
contents= {
'feedback' : feedback,
'submission_id' : submission_id,
'grader_id' : grader_id,
'student_info' : json.dumps(student_info),
(error, msg) = qinterface.send_to_queue(header=xheader,
#Convert error to a success value
if error:
return success, "Successfully sent to queue."
def get_score(self, student_answers):
......@@ -2068,11 +2115,18 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
""".format(feedback_type=feedback_type, value=value)
def format_feedback_hidden(feedback_type , value):
return """
<div class="{feedback_type}" style="display: none;">
""".format(feedback_type=feedback_type, value=value)
# TODO (vshnayder): design and document the details of this format so
# that we can do proper escaping here (e.g. are the graders allowed to
# include HTML?)
for tag in ['success', 'feedback']:
for tag in ['success', 'feedback', 'submission_id', 'grader_id']:
if tag not in response_items:
return format_feedback('errors', 'Error getting feedback')
......@@ -2088,10 +2142,12 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
return format_feedback('errors', 'No feedback available')
feedback_lst = sorted(feedback.items(), key=get_priority)
return u"\n".join(format_feedback(k, v) for k, v in feedback_lst)
feedback_list_part1 = u"\n".join(format_feedback(k, v) for k, v in feedback_lst)
return format_feedback('errors', response_items['feedback'])
feedback_list_part1 = format_feedback('errors', response_items['feedback'])
feedback_list_part2=u"\n".join([format_feedback_hidden(k,response_items[k]) for k in response_items.keys() if k in ['submission_id', 'grader_id']])
return u"\n".join([feedback_list_part1,feedback_list_part2])
def _format_feedback(self, response_items):
......@@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
event_info['student_id'] = self.system.anonymous_student_id
event_info['survey_responses']= get
success_dict = self.lcp.message_post(event_info)
success, message = self.lcp.message_post(event_info)
return {'success' : True}
return {'success' : success}
def closed(self):
''' Is the student still allowed to submit answers? '''
......@@ -202,8 +202,12 @@ class @Problem
Logger.log 'message_post', @answers
fd = new FormData()
feedback = @$('section.evaluation')[0]
fd.append('feedback', feedback.value)
feedback = @$('section.evaluation')[0].value
submission_id = $('div.external-grader-message div.submission_id')[0].innerHTML
grader_id = $('div.external-grader-message div.grader_id')[0].innerHTML
fd.append('feedback', feedback)
fd.append('submission_id', submission_id)
fd.append('grader_id', grader_id)
settings =
type: "POST"
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